Chapter 14

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As usual the miserable old so-called father was sitting in the lounge watching his morning TV shows whilst I was slaving around in the kitchen preparing food for him. One major reason why I was doing that was because he didn't know how to cook and no matter how much I hated him, I didn't want him to starve to death or live on take-out especially at his age.

I set the table for one and kept walking back and forth from the kitchen to dining room putting out the plates of food. After doing so I walk out to him.

Without looking at him I say, "breakfast's on the table..."

He looks up at me with a weak smile but I just turn and walk away. I didn't want to see him like that. The guilt was basically written all over his sad face. But what does he feel guilty for? is it for cheating on my Mom or is it because he separated a mother and her daughter? it could be either one, but if he was really sorry then he should of not have done it in the first place. I just wish everything was back to how it was a few years ago.



As I make my way up the driveway of the guesthouse, Anna comes running down towards me with an anxious look on her face. " Anna, whats wrong... is everything all right?"

She shakes her head frantically. "No! not really. It's the prince, he's not feeling well. He keeps throwing up. We don't what to do, he won't let us take him to the hospital, please you have to help him..."
"OK, OK, calm down. Lets go inside, I'll see what I can do."

One step inside his room and the stench of vomit fills my nose. It was horrible. Barbara was standing over him using a wet towel to cool his face. She looks up and sees me and with a sigh of relief she says, "thank god you're here! please, you have to help him."

I move towards his bed and stood hovering over him thinking of ways to help him. 'not much experience but I'll make sure you're well... I promise,' I muttered to myself. 

I put a hand on his forehead and it was burning badly. "He probably has a fever, is he allergic to anything? something he consumed that wasn't good for him?"
"No, he has no allergies, and he barely eats..."

I turn towards Anna. "OK, Anna, I need you to go down to the pharmacy and get some anti-emetics for the possible nausea and vomiting or if it is an allergic reaction. Just explain to the pharmacist his condition."She looks at me for a while with almost a look of 'I don't understand,' before nodding and turning out of the room. "If he does have a fever then he just needs plenty of rest. It's OK now, I'll take it from here."

"OK, thank you for being here. He's so stubborn sometimes." she walks out closing the door and trapping me inside with the rotting smell of vomit. I quickly ran to the windows and threw them up inhaling the fresh air that was quickly filling the room.

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