Chapter 13

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The king and his kings-men were all seated in the royal living room, like any other day. John, a noble gentlemen, moved closer towards the king and said, "this throne, you are sitting upon was passed down by your grandfather, to your father and it is now rightfully yours. you can't just let it go."

Another gentlemen, Peter, spoke up. he clears his throat and says, "your highness, be strong! giving up your throne at this point in time is not an option, and i want you to know that the whole country itself is behind you. don't give up, you've got to be Courage's!"

The king bows his head low and shakes it. "This whole thing is tearing me apart. I am human just like any other person. I have my emotions and weaknesses and I'm telling you i'm tired."He goes silent for a moment and then lifts his head. very weakly he adds, "I am very tired..."


The kings brother, George, was out and about trying to convince and bribe people into voting for him as the next king. he reaches the house of a workman, Robert, a middle aged man with not much to offer for his family.

"So, what brings you to my house today... it must be very important." George is taken aback by his words. "Are you implying that I don't visit people unless it's important?"
With a nervous chuckle the man responds, "no, not at all..."

"Anyways, how are the children, how's your wife, are they home?"
"No, they have all gone out, how about your wife, how is she?"
"Uh, she's alright, she's okay."
"Um, so what can i offer you?"
"No, no. Don't bother." He pats his stomach. "I'm okay."
"If you say so..."

"OK, what really brought me here today is indeed very important."Robert makes it clear he's listening as George continues on. "Honor must be given to whom it is due!"
"I don't understand."

"OK let me get straight to the point. A few days ago, Christopher, the king and my brother, made an intention to give up the throne."

As George explains, Robert soon comes to realize where this is going. but he doesn't want George to know that so he acts shocked as if its all new news. George continues with a pleasing smile. "So, I thought it was proper for me to start getting ready, only because he has no willing son or any other child to inherit the throne after him. I am the only living heir after him to the throne. So, that's why I'm here today. I want to let you know that I am calling for the throne after him."He pulls out a yellow sealed envelop from within his coat and places it on the table. he slides it over to Robert with a grin. "That is for you..."
Robert looks down at the envelop. "Well what is it? what's it for?" 

"Oh it's just a little token of appreciation that i'm passing out to all council members, and by little I mean fifty grand."

Robert's eyes were almost bulging out at the amount of money. he looks at George wide-eyed. "But I'm not even a part of the council... well not after I lost my title."

"Well we could say, on the other hand, it is because i need your support."
"You mean this much money, just for my support?"
"Yes... very simple. that and more to come would be all yours!"

Robert liked the sound of that. he nods his head frantically and spreads a grin over his rough face. George raises a hand and says, "but! that does not mean I'm buying your conscience, because traditionally I am obliged to inherit the throne after my lousy brother. I mean he has no son, nobody to take over from him. so it is for you, help your self and your family and especially help me become king!"

"That is something you don't have to worry about. I will make sure, until the day I die, that you become king!" 

"that's more like it. Thank you for your time, I must head out before i miss the chief, so I'll leave you to it. have a good day."

"Thank you very much, I will not disappoint you."


George and the chief make their way to the old sorcerers home. Gus Rupert was his name. although he claims to be a sorcerer it is not evident if the old man is making it up or if he's telling the truth. people still attend to him for any problems that they believe a spell might fix. and even so the old man always refuses to help anyone or show how he works to the public. he's a very private man who never leaves his home in fear of people trespassing while he's not there.

he was sitting in a rocking chair on his very old verandah with peeling floor boards and broken steps. the two men greeted him from behind the fence that was locked shut. he makes his way down towards the men. "If your here for any reason other than a cup of tea, then you shouldn't be here."

George looks over to the chief and clears his throat. "Uh, I and my friend here, the chief, just came to greet you Mr Rupert."

"Oh, well then you're welcome. But I'm afraid I can't open the fence for you..."

"That's OK, we don't need to sit." He rubs his hand together and says, "we just decided to bring you this appreciation." He pulls out a white envelop from his coat and as he does so the old man steps back away from them.

"What is that for?"
The chief takes over, "you see, what he is saying is that we need you to intervene, to intercede now! to cast a spell and make him to become the king of this country!" George pipes up, "yes! that is exactly what we want you to do..."

The old man gets a nasty look on his face. "Go with your money!" he growls, causing them to stumble backwards.

"OK, OK, we don't mean no harm sir, we just..."

"I said go with your money! you think you can bribe me? don't even try!" and with that he furiously heads back up to his rocking chair leaving the two men bewildered.

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