Chapter 16

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It was the day after the death of the king and all the kingsmen and the council men were gathered in the throne room discussing the future of the country.

George in this case was beyond thrilled that he no longer had to fight for the throne because he belived that the throne now rightfully belonged to him. With a deep miserable sigh and a sad look on his face to cover up his joyous expression he began shaking his head and rambled on about the loss of his brother.

"Just wow! is this how people die?! no, no it can't be because..." he holds a hand over his mouth and looks down furiously shaking his head. "The doctor told me he was going to be alright..." he trails of wimpering a cry and continues wiping away forced tears. "When we came home..." stops to sniff, "he retired to sleep and then I left". he grabs a tissue and blows his nose and wipes his eyes before saying, "this morning my wife tells me that he coldn't get up. I thought it was joke, *sniff* when I got here, he was already cold. he was gone. dead!"

One of the kingman pats him on the shoulder. "You have to be strong, especially at a time like this. Remeber that it is now your responsibility to console barbara."

his head shoots up, he was hoping to have the responsibility of oertaking the country not consoling a dead mans wife. With a furious nod of his head and a simple "okay..." he gets up and starts pacing up and down.



These past few weeks right from the time where I fell sick to now have beeen amazing. Not saying that being sick is something to glorify, but if you have a spcial someone treating you, it makes it worthwhile. Again not sayng Eve is someone special in my life, she's been a great help and a fun carer, I feel like a child using that word. Not to go all soft or anything but I never thought even for a second that I would ever be able to smile again but with Eve it feels right, it just comes naturally. what I'm trying to say here is that I like her company and secretly hope she stays much longer.

I didn't how to feel when she gently made her way down the stairs and stood in front of me with her lips tightened together in a smile showing of her dimples.

she starts playing with her fingers almost nervously and with a deep sigh she finally replies, "hey..."

"you all set to go?" I could feel my face heating up as I got prepared to tell her my thoughts.
"yep, I'm all set."

There was a few awkward seconds which was very weird because we never have a moment of silence and when we do it's a comfortable feeling, not like now.

Before I could start speaking she blurts out, "um... you need to know that I won't be coming to take care of you as from tomorrow..."

She was still talking but I stopped listening from the first bit. I felt as if the devil himself plunged his hand through me and ripped out my insides, especially my heart. I tuned back in only to hear her say, "My dad found out about me quitting volunteering down at the hospital... he went down there yesterday to tell them, actually beg them to let me back in and they gave me a another chance".

I was speechless and I felt as if now I could't move literally any part of me. I was frozen because this is the news I was dreading. she too was speechless. she looks down at her hands and whispers, "I'm sorry."

It was now or never, I had to tell her what I thought. I swallowed hard and loud enough for her to probably hear me and let it all out. "Firstly, I want to thank you, for all you've done for me. you have done so much..."
she frantically shakes her head no as her eyes get teary.

"Yes! you've done a whole lot. It's gotten to the point where I'm so used to you and you... you are basically the only person I feel comfortable with. Just you." I swallow hard again before meeting her gaze and continue. "I might be asking for too much, but, forgive me and I'm sorry. That is just the way I feel inside so please... please don't go." I must of startled her with that news becuase she almosts takes a step back. I dont blame her, i haven't treated her the way she should have been treated.

"Look, I want you to stay back and work for me full time... I, I'll double your payment..."
"Fine, I'll triple it... please I'll do anything for you to stay..."
"stop it! it's not that simple..."

I wa shocked and taken aback by her reaction. Not only that, I was torn apart, again. I was left alone just like when she first found me. It's all happening again, except this time she wasn't just another girlfriend, she was someone special.

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