Chapter One

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Chapter One:

Jennifer's Point Of View:

I heard a knock on my bedroom door, and stirred, letting out a soft groan. "Jen, wake up." I groaned again, pulling the covers closer to my body. "Jen, I said wake up." The person said again.

"Five more minutes." I murmured. I heard the person groan and heard their footsteps become more distant. I turned on my side, trying to fall back asleep.

When I was about to, I felt cold water all over my body. I sat up to face, none other that Justin.

"Justin?! What the fuck?!" I exclaimed, wiping my face with the back of my hand.

"I told you to wake up." He shrugged.

"I hate you." I scowled. He smirked.

"Your dad told me to take you to the studio. So get up." And he walked out of my room. I shook my head.

Man, I hate that kid.

I stood up and went into my bathroom, taking a shower.

I washed my hair, and when I was done, I brushed my teeth. I went back into my room, and changed into a purple flowy shirt, that shows a bit of my stomach, and a pair of white high-waisted shorts, and my purple Supras.

I straightened my hair and put it up in a high pony tail. I put on a purple bow, and did my usual make up; some eye liner, mascara, blush, and some clear lip gloss. I looked myself in my mirror once more, and, when I decided I looked okay, I ran downstairs.

I found Justin sitting on the couch in the living room. "Finally." He murmured when he saw me. "You took forever." He stood up and stuffed his phone into his pocket. I shrugged and went into the kitchen, looking through the cabinets. "What are you doing?" I heard Justin say as he walked in behind me.

"Looking for food." I said simply.

"No. We have to go. Scooter is gonna be pissed because you spent an hour getting all prettied up." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked in the fridge. "Jen, lets go. Seriously." He grabbed my wrist and began to take me out of the kitchen.

"No." I whined. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" I said as he dragged me out of the house.

"I'll get you something. Scooter is gonna get mad.." He said. He opened the passenger door to his Range Rover and helped me inside. He shut the door and made his way to the drivers seat. Once he was inside, he started the car and backed out.

"I'm hungry!" I whined. "I'm hungry." I said again. He stayed quiet. "I'm hungry! " I said loudly.

"Jen! Shut up!" He groaned. I giggled. "I'll get you something to eat." He said as we parked in front of the studio.

"Yay." I said, getting out of the car and skipping over to the studio. I saw Justin back out as I walked inside.

"Hi. Where's my dad?" I asked the lady at the front desk.

"Room five." She smiled at me.

"Thanks." I said and went over to the fifth room. I opened the door and my dad was sitting there, looking through some papers. "Hey, daddy." I smiled, walking over to him.

"Hi, sweety. Your late." He said.

"Yeah.. Sorry." I said, sitting next to him.

"It's fine." He chuckled. "Where's Justin?" He asked, dropping his papers on the table in front of us.

"He went to get me breakfast, since he didn't let me eat at home." I told him. He just laughed as he shook his head. "So, why'd you need me to come in today?" I asked, sitting back.

"I'll tell you when Justin gets here." He said, picking the papers back up and skimming through them.

What does Justin have to do with any of this? I shrugged and took out my phone, going on Twitter. I looked through all the Tweets, re-tweeting and replying to some. Time passed by quickly because I felt a bag drop on my lap. I looked up to see Justin.

He dropped a black bag. I looked inside and found a bagel with cream cheese wrapped with aluminum foil. He also got me orange juice. "Thanks." I said, taking a bite of half of the bagel. He sat next to me and dad began to speak.

"Okay, so I wanted to ask you guys something." He said, pulling a chair and sat in front of Justin and me.

I crossed my legs Indian style as he talked. "First, I wanted to know if you guys could sing a song together." Dad said.

"Um.. Which one?" I asked, taking a sip of my orange juice.

"Overboard." He said.

"Um, okay.." I agreed.

"Great. But there is something else." He said, sitting up and resting his elbows on his knees. I bit into my bagel as he took a deep breath. "Everyone thinks that it would be good if you two would.. go out." He said. I almost choked on my bagel.

"What?!" I yelled.

"It's for the media. We think it would be good for both your careers." He said, calmly.

"No! No, no, no!" I yelled, looking at Justin, then back at dad.

"Jennifer. You will. And that's that." Dad said, standing up.

"Don't we get a say in this?" I asked.

"Actually, I'm fine with this." Justin smirked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I hate you." I told him.

"Love you too." He said.

"That's the spirit." Dad said. I glared at him and he chuckled. "Im going to go tell Allison that you guys agreed." Dad said.

"I didn't agree!" I exclaimed. He shrugged, kissed the side of my head and left, closing the door behind him.

"So.." Justin said beside me.

"Shut up." I said, standing up and putting the bagel on the table.

"Woah, someone's feisty. I like that." He stood up and bit his lip.

"Perve." I mumbled. I took my phone from the couch and looked through Twitter.

"So, I'll pick you up at 7." Justin said before walking out.

Ugh. I rolled my eyes and walked out after him. "Your my ride." I told him.

"Then get in." He said. He opened the passenger door for me again, letting me slide in. "What? No 'Thank You'?" He asked.

"Thank you." I said, annoyed.

"Welcome." he smiled and shut my door and went over to the drivers seat.

He started the car and took me back to my house. I ran to my room as soon he dropped me off. Spending time with him to sing the song? That's bad enough. But, being his Fake Girlfriend? I don't think I can handle that. Justin is too perverted.


Yeah, well that's chapter one! Sorry if it's terrible. Just wanted to show what's happening before we begin... Thanks for reading!

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