Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven:

Jennifer's Point Of View:

"Jen! Jen! Jen! Jen!"

"What?" I looked up from phone, to see Caitlin, her face cherry red, and her breathing rapid. "Are you... okay?" I questioned.

"No, I'm not okay!" She hissed. She pointed to the door. "Do you know who our neighbors are?!"

"Uh, I'm guessing their peop-"

"Don't act smart at a moment like this Jennifer!" She exclaimed. "Our neighbors are the 5 Second of Summer boys!"

My eyebrows raised, and my eyes widened. "Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously!" she squealed. "5sos is right," she pointed to the wall. "There."

"Okay, how do you know 5sos is there?" I asked, standing up and stuffing my phone in my pocket.

"Because I saw Luke fucking Hemmings walk inside, while I was opening the door!" the poor girl looked like she was going to faint.

"Cait, relax. You meet celebrities all the time. Why are you going crazy of these guys?" I asked.

"Because they're 5 seconds of summer, Jen!"

I nodded. "Okay, good point."

***next week***

"What the hell are you doing?"

Caitlin looked up, innocently. "Huh?"

"What are you doing in my closet?" I asked, my arms crossed over my chest. There was clearly no problem with her I'm my closet, I just wanted to know the reason behind it... even though I'd probably regret asking later on.

"Well, there is that party thing in the ball, to celebrate someone's album-"

"Really? Who?" I asked.

"I don't fucking know," she rolled her eyes. "But everyone is invited, which means the 5sos boys will surely go, and I need something to wear."

"You have your own clothes, Cait."

"But my clothes are so basic," she groaned. "I need some supermodel slash pop singer clothes, which is where your clothes come in," she winked, and took out a red dress. "I need them to notice me, because if Calum sees me, looking like shit, I swear, I'm going to kill myself."

I laughed. "Treat yourself to what you want, babe."

"What are you wearing?" She asked, placing the red dress on my bed, probably already deciding that she was going to wearing it.

"I'm not going."

"To hell, you're not," she snapped. "You of all people should know how it feels to get an album come out. You should go, and celebrate with this person."

"We don't even know who it is." I told her, running my fingers through my ponytail.

"We will find out, when we get there," from my closet, she grabbed a light purple, long sleeved, skater dress, with lace on the sleeves and right above the breast area. "And you're wearing this with your cute nude wedges, okay? You'll look nice, and not overdressed."

"Yes, mother." I joked, walking over to her, to grab the dress. "I shall go shower now."

"Yes, you stink."

I pushed her shoulders, and she burst out laughing. "Whore," I couldn't help but laugh a but as well.

"I learned from the best." she winked, and I stuck my tongue out at her, walking out the bedroom, toward the bathroom.

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