Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven:
Jennifer's Point Of View:

"I have a question.." Justin sat beside me on my bunk bed. I looked up from my phone, facing him. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to sing Overboard with me for the concerts.."

"But the song hasn't even come out yet.." I said, and he shrugged.

"It comes out in a couple of days. We can just release it early. You should really sing with me." He said. I bit my bottom lip as I thought.

"But, your fans go to see you. They could care less about me." I told him. He rolled his eyes. "Come on.." He pleaded, his hand on my knee.

"I'll think about it."

He smiled. "Good. Now tell me," He sat back, and looked over at me. "Why are you cooped up in this tiny bed?" He asked.

"Because its my bed.." I said slowly. Was that trick question?

He rolled his eyes. "No," He whined, taking my hand and standing up, pulling me with him. "Come hang out with me. Don't be here all by yourself."

"What if I want to be here all by myself?" I asked, sitting back down, only to be pulled up again. "Justin. " I whined.

"Come on, hang out with us." I rolled my eyes and he smiled. "I'll take that as a yes?"

"You're lucky I was getting bored." He grinned and led me over to the living room area.

He sat down and pulled me on his lap. He got into a conversation with the boys, and I just used my phone. I decided to search myself up on Twitter to see what people have been saying about me.

@BiebersPrincess56: Justin and Jennifer? SHIP NIGGAA!

I laughed.

@LizzyBieber22: Hell to the no. Justin and Jennifer shouldn't be together. 'Justifer'? 'Jenstin'? #canunot

I frowned.


I furrowed my eyebrows. What is all the commotion about? I searched through and found a picture of an article. From TMZ.

God I hate them..

"You have headphones?" I asked the guys. I looked up and they were focussed on the t.v..

"No, but look at this." Ryan put up the volume. It was TMZ.

"We were walking around today, and we saw something that really shocked us." The guy spoke. "We saw Justin Bieber, and Jennifer Braun making out!" My eyes nearly popped out of my head. 


"This was behind the arena that Justin was going performing in today. Are they dating? Are they keeping it a secret? It seems like they are a little bit more than friends." He said. "Now lets talk about Kim Kardash-" Ryan muted the t.v., and both him and Chaz smirked at us. 

But I kept my wide eyes on the screen, where they were showing Kim Kardashian, and Kanye West. I watched as the guy's lips moved, as he talked. 

"Jen.." Justin shook me. "Jen, its fine. We were going to tell them sooner or later.." He tried to make it sound okay. I shook my head, and looked over at Justin. 

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