How To Annoy And Make People Think You're Weird In An Office

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1) Hi-lite your shoes. Tell people that you haven't lost your shoes since you've done this.

2) Agree to organise the office Christmas party. Hold it at a McDonald's Playland. Charge people $15 for an entrance fee.

3) Arrive at a meeting late. Tell them you are sorry,but you didn't have time for lunch, so you will be eating your delicious and nutritious meal of whole raw potatoes during the meeting.

4) Attach a sign that says "Fax" to the paper shredder. Sit back and see how many people fall for it.

5) Change the company voicemail system. Get creative.

6) Compose all presentations, emails, etc in rhymes.

7) Decorate your office with pictures of Cindy Brady. Try to pass her off as your child.

8) Determine how many cups of coffee is "too many".

9) Develop a fear of staplers.

10) Email your boss this message: I know what you did last vacation.

a/n Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you for all the great support and thank you guys for reading this book. You guys are so great. Have an awesome day. * Virtual high-fives all around*

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