How To Annoy Your Enemy

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This was requested by @prettyinislam .As you know, an enemy isn't really confined to a certain situation, and you can have enemies in any situation, so this is more of a "How To Annoy People In General" sort of thing. Thank you for requesting, and I'm sorry if this wasn't exactly what you wanted.

1) Whenever they walk out the room, sing the batman theme. Abruptly stop when they turn around to look at who was singing. Start up again as soon as they turn back around.

2) Sew an anti-theft detector into their backpacks/jacket/anything that they carry around often and in public.

3) While they're talking, say: "Wait, let me just check my Give-A-Damn-Ometer." *looks at wrist* "Nope, still don't have a reading."

4) Surprise them by showing up at their house at 3AM, by throwing rocks at their window to get their attention. Say Yu just want to "discuss old times." Or, that you just wanted to "practice a bad, slightly annoying romantic movie scene with them." This works best of you manage to break their window.

5) Lick the filling out of Oreos, and give them an entire package of cookies as a gift. Or just fill the insides with shaving cream, or mayo.

6) Constantly walk up to them and act like a dog. Ask them who they think you're acting as. When they say "a dog" tell them you were acting as them.

7) While knocking on their door, make a really intricate beat. When they open it, say: "Did it sound good? Should I use it for my song? I'll totally use it for my song."
Spend the rest of your time at their house implementing the beat into your song.

8) *whispering into their ear* You deserve the worst. *backs alway, smiling sweetly*

9) "I'd give you a nasty look, but you already have one."

10) "I hope you go far in this life. And I hope you stay there."

How To Annoy People And Make Them Think You're Weird: A GuideWhere stories live. Discover now