How To Annoy People At A Museum

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1) Ask somebody to take a picture of you looking at the exhibit without actually looking at the exhibit. When they act confused, say:"Please?It would look so "hipster" on my Tumblr."

2) Ask a caretaker if you can take a dinosaur home for your dog.

3) Take a nap in an exhibit for ancient civilizations or one that "predicts what the future will be like?" When you wake up, act confused and say: "WHAT YEAR IS IT??!!"

4) Offer to change old coins with your change, say you're doing them a favour since they can't buy anything with the old ones anyway.

5) Interrupt the tour guides with "helpful" and "informative" facts every two seconds.

6) If you come across a trail where you are required to use headphones, repeat everything that comes out of it, one second after the guide says it to throw everybody off.

7) Pretend to be a guide and destroy the very foundation of history.

8) Invent different, deep meanings about abstract art. When people start agreeing with you, say:" But it's probably just a dog."

9) Laugh at the paintings and say that they're obviously fake, since you have the originals.

10) "Beautiful, it's simple, but absolutely perfect."  Say this while staring intently at a blank wall.

11) Scream at somebody sitting on a chair. "GET OFF THE ART YOU IGNORANT MORON!"

How To Annoy People And Make Them Think You're Weird: A GuideWhere stories live. Discover now