How To Annoy The Pizza Guy

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1) Act like you know him/her from somewhere. "Bedwetter's camp, right?"

2) Add extra letters to words. E.g. Caaaannnn I havvve a peppeppepperoni pizzzzzzaaaa pleeeeaaassse?

3) After ordering, say:"I wonder what this button does." Simulate a cutoff.

4) Ask about pizza maintenance and repair.

5) Ask for extra homo-sapien.

6) Ask how many dolphins were killed in the making of the pizza.

7) Ask if the pizza has had its shots.

8) Ask if the pizza is organically grown.

9) Ask if they have any idea what is a stake with the pizza.

10) Ask if you get to keep the box that comes with the pizza. When they say yes, sigh in relief.

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