How To Annoy And Make Your Best Friends Think You're Weird

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1) Tell them their idols look like an angry armadillo.

2) Tell them that their pet is the only one that understands you.

3) Start randomly laughing like a maniac for no reason in front of your best friend's family.

4) Memorize the lines to the emotional parts of movies and restate them in the same emotional voice while watching it with a friend who has never watched the movie.

5) Tell them that you are married to their idols and that no one else can have them.

6) Tell them a plane crashed in your yard and destroyed your shed. Works best if you don't have a yard or a shed.

7) If a certain song that they hate comes on the radio, break out in your worst singing voice.

8) If a song that they likes comes on the radio, turn the radio off or switch the station, saying it's better for their health if they don't listen to heavy metal. Works best if it's slow and gentle music.

9) Jump in a kiddy pool and act like you're drowning.

10) Draw on their favourite things with a permanent marker and put the name of someone your friend hates in the corner.

How To Annoy People And Make Them Think You're Weird: A GuideWhere stories live. Discover now