Glances ; Tsukishima Kei

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In which they look at each other,

Usual. One word to describe how the day has been going.

Tsukishima's head rested on his hand, not really bothering to listen to his teacher since, well, he already knew what the lesson is about.

Staring at the window, he scanned the surroundings; the (annoying) sun shining oh-so brightly, a few birds flying around, a batch of students doing PE. activities, and trees that seemed to dance because of the wind.

He turned his head to his right.

On the front row, the nearest seat to the door, sat someone whose eyes were glued to the black board.

They're zoning out again, he thought.

They were still staring at the writings on the board.

What are they thinking of?

He seemed to notice the continous and constant zoning-out-sessions since the first time he looked at you. You seemed to be so preoccupied with the thoughts in your head, that it made him wonder why you could stare at the black board the whole period.

He looked away, turning his head back again to where the window is.

The birds were gone.

Tsukishima sighed, looking at the teacher and observing him; his glasses were slowly sliding down since he was sweating a bit, and his hands were slightly trembling, but his voice was completely stable. Although, for every hand gesture he makes, the sleeves of his faculty uniform would move to certain directions that made him look kind of awkward— which is something Kei would laugh at, to be honest.

Your eyes averted from the board to him.

He was staring at the teacher, a faint smirk visible on his face.

He's probably insulting him in his head, you thought.

He was always on your mind.

He never looked at me.

But, you always looked at him.

During lunch when he was with Yamaguchi, when he is on cleaning duty during thursdays and you happen to pass by the same room, when he makes his way to the gym and you had to go home...

You looked down to your notebook, realizing you were holding your pen, but the page infront of you is blank.

Well then, you thought.

Tsukishima stared at you. He observed your features; your eyes than seemed to light up even when you're frustrated or confused, your delicate hands that move gracefully when writing lectures, your lips that you would bite occassionally, and your skin that he finds quite pale.

He wondered what it was like to be close to you.

Probably filled with friendly cuddles, probably nights where you need help in studying a bit of math— since he knew you were having trouble with it, with the way your eyebrows would furrow when you were doing seatworks— probably eating really nice food with you, since the food you eat during lunch looked pretty great— and probably all other things that he wouldn't be able to do with you. Because, damn, he knew that he couldn't bring himself to talk to you.

He rubbed his eyes and looked away.

"You're all dismissed." The teacher said, grabbing his stuff from the desk then hurried out of the room.

Students started exiting the room.

You stuffed your things quickly into your bag, closing it then standing up, walking out of the door and into the hallway.

Tsukishima looked to your seat, but then it was empty.

"Tsukki!" He heared a familiar voice call.

"What is it?" He said, arranging his things.

"Let's head to practice now," Yamaguchi smiled, waiting for him to finish.

He nodded and finally exited the room with Yamaguchi a few seconds later. They headed to the gym through the student-filled hallways of the facility.

Your pace started to slow down when you realize he was a few feet away walking infront of you. A student with dark hair that was a little shorter than him walked alongside him, which you assumed was Yamaguchi.

He looks even taller when I'm facing his back, you thought.

Kind of weird.

You suddenly sneezed.

Tsukishima turned his head to face you, but you were still looking down, rubbing your nose and wiping your eyes.

He felt heat creep up to his cheeks, realizing how cute you looked when you shut your eyes. He turned away a second after.

You looked up.

He was gone.

"Headed to the gym," You muttered.

Sighing, you stepped out of the school and started walking towards your house, your feet making contact with the pavement of the sidewalk, but your mind making contact with the thought of him— again.

And you wondered,

When will my eyes make contact with his?

In which they look at each other,
But never at the same time.


First oneshot omf I'm sorry it's short!! Inspired by one of my favorite fan-artist's work, Viria ( '▽`) Yes. That 'quote' was from her. This kinda sucks as well, my apologies ;-; Although, don't worry, I'll make the next few oneshots longer and better, I promise!! ε-('∀`; ) That's it for now, cuties. Have a nice day!!

With love, ice.

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