Cookies ; Sugawara Koushi

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"Suga," They ruffled his hair. He was currently resting his head on their lap, which made their cheeks flush quite a lot since his hair tickled their thighs.

"Mm?" Sugawara's eyes were closed.

They furrowed their eyebrows as they stared at the TV in front of them. "I want to bake some cookies,"

"What?" Suga asked, opening one of his eyes. "But you don't know how to bake,"

"I know that," They huffed. "Mind helping out?"

He closed his eye, mumbling "Maybe later,"

"Koushi," They whined, crossing their arms.

Sugawara opened his eyes and laughed, sitting up straight and embracing them into a tight hug.

"Eh!" They yelped as he pulled them down with him. Both of them were now laying on the couch.

"Later, love," He pressed his lips against their forehead.


They felt heat creep on their cheeks, they didn't answer.


They rubbed their eyes.

I fell asleep again.

"Eh— Suga, what time is it?" They asked, sitting up straight.

"Like," Sugawara began, his mouth full. "'Ei 'fory 'fai,"

"What?" They asked.

Sugawara replied after a few seconds. "Eight forty f—"

"What are you eating!?" They walked to the kitchen.

They stopped instantly when they saw something.

Sugawara wearing a pink apron with heart designs.

Suga laughed and raised the snack to the air. "Cookies!"

"W-Where did you get that?" They blushed at the sight.

"I baked them," He grinned. "I made some for you, too,"

He took a bite on his cookie and grabbed the nearest bowl placed on the counter, stretching it out to them.

"You should get some," He smiled.

"But Suga," They whined, crossing their arms. "I want to bake!"

"But I already baked for you," He pouted.

"But I want to—"

"O-Okay, okay! Fine, I'll get the ingredients, love," He chuckled, walking to cabinets and grabbing a few objects. They smiled.

"Thanks, Koushi!" They hugged him from behind. He blushed.

"Anything for you," He looked back at them for a second and kissed their forehead.


"Eh!? What did you put?" Suga asked as he tasted the cookies you just made.

"Huh? I put everything that's in the list!" They exclaimed.

Sugawara scanned the counter you two made a mess of, his eyes widening as he saw something.

"You put peppermint extract instead of vanilla extract, and too much, too!" He grabbed the bottle and showed it to you.

"They look the same!" They pouted. "Plus, the liquid looked like real vanilla extract, it's transparent! The other one has dark color..."

"Love," He groaned.

"O-Okay!" They shut their eyes. "I'm sorry, Koushi!"

He sighed, walking to them and hugging them.

"It's alright," He pressed his lips against their cheek.

"I'm the worst at baking," They groaned, hugging him back.

Sugawara laughed, "You're still the greatest person to me, love."


THIS IS SO SHORT I'M SO SORRy and it's too sappy I think bUT HEYYYY @Kunaiwa chan I hope you like this?? I have no idea how to tag but I hope you see this maybe?¿? AJSJWJSJE IT'S 1:09 AM I NEED SLEEp

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