Talk ; Yamaguchi Tadashi

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You've been deaf your whole life.

It sort of didn't matter to you, although. You were able to cope up with it, after all.

But, of course, it wasn't that easy.

Thoughts would enter your mind at times and you'd feel like you'd rather have yourself stay outside until you freeze to death in winter mornings, dry up because of the summer heat, and fall down with the leaves of autumn.

But you didn't now how to just let everything fade away.

And so here you are, at your school, walking to your locker to leave a few things.

You felt someone tap your shoulder, you turned around.

It was your friend.

She showed you a piece of paper with "Are you going to the school dance?" written on it. You shrugged in response. She sighed, pulling out a ballpen from her pocket and wrote on the paper for a few seconds. You waited.

"You should go. I don't want to be alone there!" She stuck out her tongue as she showed you the paper once again. You took the materials and wrote down something.

"You're not exactly going to be alone there, though, since you have a partner." You handed the paper back to her. She opened her mouth and started flailing her arms everywhere, probably ranting or panicking, you don't know. You still weren't used to lip reading— even after all these years. It was just... you couldn't quite get the hang of it. Well, you can communicate through gestures, but no one seems to understand you with it. You sighed and placed both of your hands on her shoulders, staring at her eyes. She knew what it meant. And so she put her hands together in a 'prayer position' and bowed.

You tapped her shoulder, signalling her that it was alright. She stood up straight.

You saw someone come up from behind her, and so she turned around, then turned back to you. Mumbling something that looked like "good bye", smiling as she waved her hand. You smiled as well, returning her wave. You watched her walk away.

You sighed once again, opening your bag and pushing a few textbooks into your locker.

Yamaguchi watched you.

He repeated the sequence of gestures in his head he has practiced for a month, taking deep breaths and blinking a few times to calm himself down.

I'm doing this, he thought. I'm really doing this.

He took one last breath and walked to you, admiring how beautiful you looked. And you didn't even have to try— you're just really beautiful.

He tapped your shoulder, causing you to turn to him. You smiled.

He felt his heartbeat's pace increase.

He began doing gestures with his hands.

Please come to the school dance with me, he said through sign language.

Your eyes widened, heat spreading on your face.

Yamaguchi panicked.

I'm sorry! I probably said something wrong, I only started this four weeks ago. He gestured once more, sweating quite a lot.

You laughed.

You laughed.

It was the most beautiful thing Yamaguchi has ever heard.

It sounded like the first notes of his favorite song, like the ringing of small bells that hung from a café door, like the fountain of an amusement park with a blissful atmosphere— just.. wow.

You took your phone and typed in something which snapped him back to his senses.

He thought you didn't pay attention to him.

He was about to turn his back when you showed him your phone screen.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but.. why did you study sign language?

Yamaguchi gulped.

I wanted to talk to you.

You stared at him for a minute.

You burst into tears, Yamaguchi gasped and hugged you instinctively.

You wiped your eyes and looked up to stare at his.

You nodded.

"Yes," You whispered. "I will dance with you."


I'm sorry this isn't christmas themed omg like I literally have no idea how to make those ???
So like I saw a post on facebook of compilations of things from some app called Whisper (where you can send confessions anonymously) and I saw this one thing about well yeah the plot of this one shot and I was like oH MY GOSGDH MY HEaRt?????
Six hundred words mY SUSHI CHILDREN WOW
Btw It's 3:41 am wow
Sorry if there are typos or grammar errors or punctuation errors right here or if this sucks I don't even know I neED SLEEP
Also (prepare for a story children) like there's this guy from my Vine squad and like (let's call him bro) he's really nice and he's like a brother to me and just sjejdjekdk ok let's skip so like tons of hours ago he was like "ice it's 5 am here i need sleep" then I was like "bro go get some sleep" then he was like "okie goodnight :)) or rather good afternoon to you lmao" cause like we're 11 hours apart and I was like "it's 6 pm lmao" then was like "SUJSEJJDRJ" then I said "go to sleep bro" then he was like "okkk i'll chat you again when I'm up" then like at around 2 am (my time) he was like "helloo" then yes I was like hi then I said "I'm v sleepy" then he was like "what time is it there?" And i said well yeah 2 am then he was like "go sleep !" Then I said "But you just woke up and I dont want to leave you alone lmao" then he was like "aWWWWWEEE" "It's okay ! If you're sleepy then get some rest :)" then I was like ok whatever lmao

And I kind of lied tbh I was watching gameplays (but I really am sleepy tho so) and then I wrote this
Sighhhh I'm gonna sleep :D

Love !

PS. Also I'm sO SORRY FOR THE REQUests I haven't done omggg


Let's talk !

twitter ; arcticghouls
vine ; ice
osu! ; ice-chan

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