But I didn't ; Kozume Kenma

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And you taught me what this feels like.

Kenma is not one of the majority who craves for attention.

He never liked having people set their minds to him, along with their eyes focusing on his frame— and he knew he will never like it.

Twelve noon on a wednesday, lunch break.

Some were trying to find their friends, some were running in a quick pace towards the cafeteria, and some were searching for a place to sit on and eat.

And as the usual, Kuroo walked alongside him.

Kenma ate his lunch quietly, observing his surroundings.

Everyone— and everything— talked.



First years, second years, third years,

The sky, the wind, the vehicles passing by,

The footsteps of students,

The incoherent grumbling of frustrated teenagers,

The groaning of the cafeteria workers,

Leaves making contact,

The pages being turned by tired hands and...

And their eyes.

A pair of eyes were on him.

He didn't like the attention.

But then,

A smiled formed on their lips.

And he saw you walking towards him, with a smile warmer than a cup of coffee in winter morning. And your eyes like constellations plastered on night skies.

And he couldn't help but stare.

They were three feet away from him.

"Hi," was what they said.

And he blinked, mumbling a greeting.

"I believe this is yours?" They showed him the notebook on their hands, with his name written on the front page.

"Uh," He began. "Yes, it's mine."

They smiled at him once more.

And he felt the warmth of it in his insides.

And he melted.

And with that, they turned around.

Walked away.

And he thought,

That for a split second,

He didn't want more of her attention.

He needed more.

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