Stars ; Tsukishima Kei

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Four months.

Four months ago, since that night with the rainstorm happened.

And I miraculously

Didn't get sick

Despite the cold water

Clinging onto my skin

I grinned

As I walk

To the train

It was a long ride,

So long I felt my butt go numb

And my fingers grew tired of holding onto the railings

Of a gray scaled room

With faint yellow linings

Visible on certain areas

Of the train walls

And people

That seemed to be

Really tired

Because of the rainfall

And their eyelids dropped

Along with the raindrops

Falling from the sky

And I hummed

A tune of a song

And it happened to be

Familiar to you


I didn't know,

Since you were wearing

Those headphones

That seemed to block

Every single note

Of my humming

Every single word

From unfamiliar people

That escape their mouths

The groaning of the train engine

The yawning of workers

The coughs of an old lady by the corner

And every form of sound,

But you heard me.

And then you asked me,

With your face red

And your eyes blinking

Quite a lot,

You asked me

If it was the song

That you thought

It was

And I nodded

And the tint on your face

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