Mannequin ; Kageyama Tobio

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You knew it isn't a good idea to play a horror game on your phone while walking around the mall.

But you did it, anyway.

You decided to go to the mall since, well, it was really hot. And your air conditioner was doing a crappy job at being it. So you pretty much walked for about 200 meters all the way there.

You walked into the department store, examining each clothing you see. Something would catch your attention, and you'd check if it fits, then you'd look at the price, and you'd put it back awkwardly into the rack.

It's been hours since you've been doing the same thing— so you pretty much ended up pulling your phone out of your pocket and playing a horror game, still walking around.

Your character was already inside a big ass forest (I WAS RE-READING THIS AND I THOUGHT IT SAID 'YOUR CHARACTER WAS IN A BIG ASS' IM CEYING I NEND SLEEP) that didn't have anything to completely light it up except for the dim lighting of the moon.
It was even scary since your character's flashlight ran out of battery, and you have to travel through the forest in order to get to the checkpoint and get more resources for your equipment. Well, I'm damned.

You decided to let your character run, putting the camera on first person and getting your gun ready incase there would be a mutated person running to you. The background music suddenly played.

Then there was a jumpscare, and you felt yourself actually bump into something.

"SHIT," (This is the first time I swore in this book please forgive me) You screamed, dropping your phone. You picked it up as your character died. You looked up to realize it was just a mannequin. You sighed.

You looked around to see if someone saw your actions. And fortunately, no one has.

You continued playing your the game, loading your last saved progress and walked around the sections of the department store once again.

You got into the jumpscare part once more, but you weren't surprised any longer. You slayed (tHAT OUTFIT HONEY) the mutant and continued getting deeper into the forest. The music got intense once again.

You knew there would be a jumpscare, but you didn't expect how it looked like.

A mutant with human-like body that had over twenty tentacles that came out from every part of its body let out a cringe-worthy scream. You bumped into someone once again and so you screamed along with the mutant. Your phone slipped from your hands.

"WHAT THE FLYING FU" You screamed, putting your hands on your mouth before you could continue your sentence. Your character died once again.

You were about to pick your phone up when you heard a crazy ass laugh.

And you knew you were supposed to be mad at the one who laughed at you for being so damn scared,

But you just stood there, staring at the guy who laughed his ass off.

Guess you'll let it slide, he's cute anyway.

"I-I'm," He was interrupted by another laugh. "I'm sorry!"

"It's fine," You practically squealed.

"I'm really sorry, miss." He held back his laugh, picking up your phone and returning it to you. He bowed. "I'm sorry,"

"It's nothing," You sighed. "It's alright,"

You blushed, so did he.

"Uh... I'm.. I-I'm K-Kageyama Tobio," He looked away. "I'm sorry for laughing at you."

"You've said sorry for like four times now," You giggled. "Like I told you, it's alright. I probably looked real ridiculous."

"It's not that," He scratched the back of his head. "You looked.. r-really cute.. your scream just sounded.. funny?"

You laughed, realizing you actually screamed along with a mutant.

And he wasn't quite sure why you did, but he joined, anyway.

Well, maybe playing horror games while walking around the mall isn't that bad.


And also I'm v sorry for swearing at that one part I feel bad
It's like 12:30 am and I have to wake up at 5 for school wtf I cry
And like school's making me feel, like, REALLY S H I T T Y (lmao sorry)
Like it's making me wake up early to feel like shit like hONeSTLy
I hate people from school sm
Like hello if you have nothing nice to say you might as well just shut the hell up!! Thank you!!
Please help me before I slap everyone


You guys make me feel so much better like damn can y'all just be my irl friends why are y'all so far away damn it
Please remember I love all of you and that when I say "I hate everyone" you guys are excluded mWAH
This is only around like 600 words sorry

Lots of love,

PS. I still feel bad for swearing


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