Hands ; Kuroo Tetsurou

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I didn't quite understand my friend back then.

When she called me at two in the morning, crying. And she told me to come over her place which was two train stations away. Of course, I rushed to her. Only to see her sobbing her eyes out, holding a tub of double dutch ice cream.

And so I asked her what was wrong, and she said, "I'm so inlove with him,"

Dear heavens.

I was so, so worried, that I rushed all the way here, only to hear her say stupid words.

But of course, I tried being nice. I stayed.

She talked about her boyfriend's hands for so long I lost track of time.

And I found it absurd— why, on earth, would you fall so inlove with someone's hands?

It was so confusing.

So after she vented out all of her feelings to me, I walked with tired eyes along with bodies infected by restlessness, trying my best not to fall asleep as I take steps that will head me back home.

And I was far from succeeding.

My legs collapsed, touching the pavement with my knees, and I heard someone run to me, and held my shoulders— staring at my almost-closed eyes with his worried ones. And I thought I was dreaming in a dark alleyway.

You asked me if I was alright, I barely made a nod. You asked me where I stayed, and I told you my complete address, and you kind of laughed at me.

Then you held me up carefully with your hands on both of my shoulders, then we walked together slowly, asking me, "Why are you alone here at this time?"

And I didn't do anything but shrug in response back then.

I am still thankful you walked me home.

One time when you barged into my house at 9 pm, intoxicated, and I was watching one sad show while I cried, and your eyes that seemed to be blurry were filled with concern instead, and you ran to me, and enclosed me in a tight embrace— I wasn't quite sure how I didn't notice you enter my house; but it didn't matter to me that time.

We hugged each other until we ended up lying on the floor.

And you played with my hair as I stared at your eyes— and god, I'd let you drink more if it meant you'd never stop.

When you asked me if you could come over that one time, and it was two in the afternoon, which was quite odd, I heard your voice shake as you stammer. I was confused. And so I let you.

You didn't bother knocking the door when you opened it. I didn't bother to think about your actions.

You kept on biting your lip, and I kept getting more anxious— what was wrong?

Then you suddenly walked to me, without saying a word, then held my hands with yours.

And you asked me,

Staring straight at my eyes,

"Will you walk with me, until the end of the road?"

And it took me a while to realize what you were talking about.

I promised I will.

When we talked about splitting up, and you saw my lips quiver and my body tremble— and how every word that escaped my mouth seemed to end up being a stutter, and I was crying. And you were, too.

It was when everything was falling apart— like the skies shattering into pieces and falling into the ocean, and the constellations plastered on the sky that lit up our way disappeared, and I didn't know what to do anymore.

Then you cupped the back of my neck with your hands and attached your lips to mine— and it felt like the every star was aligned once again and every color went back to its natural saturation, and I never thought you could bring back the skies together to its place.

And never did I want to end that connection.

And somehow, today,

I understood what she meant,

How much hands mattered.


Based on the poem 'Hands' by Carol Shlyakhova. I suck omfg
Btw if yall got to read my 5 am poems I posted at, well, 5 am my time, those were actually the poems I will be using for my next chaps hAHAHAHA ok
Also, you can actually imagine this scenario with someone else?? Sbsbhed cause I didnt really mention Kuroo's name but I kinda want the character here to be him lmao
I hope this was decent uguuuu


PS. Didnt re-read this again gfshfzhfz


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