More than Enough ; Kageyama Tobio

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( a/n: yo. exams again in a day I'm dead sjsjshdeje sooo yeah
Also reader loves ice skating bc you love me ayyee nsjdjehd  jk no one loves me
Plussss italicized words are flashbacks, except for thoughts tho ofc lmao you know it )

( trigger warning(¿?) // death )

It has been a year.

It has been a year since your brother's day of death.

The death of the one you loved the most, and who loves you more than anything as well.

You hated how he pinched your cheeks when you finish your ice skating practice, but somehow, today, you searched for the familiar feeling of fingers closing between your cheeks, and that kind of sting.

You hated how he'd drop a bit of lemon extract to your glass of water when you're sick, resulting you being whiny and him laughing and saying 'Come on, it's healthy!', but today you longed for that faint sour taste sticking on your taste buds. You missed it.

You missed everything.

A few minutes prior, your parents have asked you if you wanted to head to the cemetery to visit your brother, but you insisted in just staying at home, under the sheets of your bed. They didn't argue.

You let your tears flow freely against your pillow, clutching the bed sheets that covered you up to your head.

It was because of me, you thought. It was my fault.

If only I didn't run.

"Nii," You sobbed. "I lost— I-I failed you, I'm so sorry— s-sorry."

He didn't do anything but smile.

You clenched your fists.

"It's alright," He rubbed your back. "There's always a next ti—"

"There's no next time anymore!" You yelled. "I lost! I lost, can't you see!?"

You wiped your eyes, feeling heat rise up in your chest and the urge to scream until glasses break.

"N-Nee, calm down," He tried hugging you. "Just because you lost, that doesn't mean it's your last time performing. You did your best and it was amazing, that's what matters."

You pushed him away.

"All of my practices were pointless," You continued to sob. "I'm such a failure."

He clenched his jaw when he heard your words.

"Don't you dare say that again." His voice was firm— radiating anger and a hint of concern.

"So what!?" You yelled once again. "I'm just telling the truth! I'm a failure! I'm a stupid failure!"

"Shut the hell up!" He pushed you, causing you to take a few steps backward. "Stop whining! It's just one loss! You're overreacting, dumbass!"

You flinched at his words.

You let a tear fall once more, then turned your back, and ran away.

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