Sweaters (Kagami x Reader)

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Requested by: @AidenLover124

Thank you for requesting :)


"D-Damn it...where is she?" Kagami scratched his head curiously, looking at all the faces around for the one he recognized and loved. He crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his foot on the floor over and over.

He was covering the text on his sweater, as he said before to you, it was "too embarrassing" to wear, but he wore it anyways for your sake. He had a confused pout on his lip, his lower lip sticking out farther than usual.

He felt someone tap his shoulder, so he turned around to face whoever. In hope it was you, he made an angrier face, "(First Na- oh." He stared down at a shorter person. A female.

He released his arms and stood straight, clearing his throat, "S-Sorry, I thought you were someone else." The female stood confusedly terrified when she saw his angry face. She laughed and waved it off, "That's okay."

She smiled at him, "Are you lost?"

"What? No, I'm not." Kagami lied, crossing his arms over his chest again to cover the text.

"Well, your shirt says, "If lost, return to (Last Name) (First Name)". And you were looking pretty lost, so I thought that I would help."

"Psht. I'm not lost." Kagami started walking away, ignoring the girl who tried to help.

"Well, okay. I'm just letting you know that I saw a girl's sweater that said, "I am (Last Name) (First Name)"!" She shouted, grabbing his attention. Kagami stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening as he turned his head slowly.

He ran over to her suddenly, scaring her, "BRING ME TO HER!" He yelled suddenly, his voice bouncing off the walls. Everyone stared. Kagami looked elsewhere, hoping that they'd stop staring.

"Aha, yeah, I gotcha'."

2 Hours Later

"I can't believe we still didn't find her...what the hell..." Kagami cursed, unable to see your face for almost four hours now.

"Yeah...sorry for that, I thought we'd be able to see her. She moves fast, huh?" Kagami nodded in response, remembering when he got lost was because he got distracted by the burgers at the food court.

The female who helped, opened her arms, about to hug him when suddenly you came out of nowhere and slapped her arms away. [//watches her arms go flying]

"Hands off my man!" You shouted, dropping all your bags in the process. You saw the terrified expression on her face, like she was about to get her ass whooped.

You pulled up your sleeves and marched over to her retreating body. Kagami managed to stop you by grabbing your hoodie, but your aggression averted to him.

"You! What do you think you're doing?! I told you to wait in the same exact spot I left you and when I came back, you were gone! I walked around the mall and didn't see you at all! Do you know how worried I was?! I-" Kagami pulled you into his embrace, resting his chin on your head, kissing it once.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. I was just really lost and wanted to see you." He kissed the top of your head again. He heard a deep exhale escape your lips, reminding him when you did that, you were letting your steam out.

"I'm sorry for yelling, baby." You pouted, backing off as you caressed his cheek. Kissing it once. "Now..."

You turned around and stomped over to the chick who was going to steal your splitbrows.

"You, clearly you're blind because you can't see his sweater. You're dumb because I'm right here, and I'm going to ruin your life now." When you took a step forward, Kagami quickly ran in front of you and threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before you could start anything.


Your voice was heard off far throughout the mall, concerning many people.


|| November 5th, 2015 ||

Kuroko no Basuke (Various x Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt