Chapter 19

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Olivia's POV

Louis went off to get changed and I waited patiently waiting for him to come out with no shirt on, now that would be a wonderful surprise, hello abs.  As I continued to wait my phone unexpectedly began to ring.  I walked over to where my phone was, on my desk.

There was a number present but no name so I didn't know who it was, maybe someone prank calling me, but I decided to answer it anyway.  

Olivia - Hello? May I ask who this is?

Officer - Hi it's the Officer Greg here. Is this Olivia Mapleton? Sister of Amelia Mapleton?

Olivia - Why yes it is Officer Greg how can I help you?

Officer - Well I have some terrible news I have been asked to give you.  Your Parents they have been in a car crash and unfortunately....... it was a rather severe crash and well they didn't make it I'm afraid.

Olivia - Oh my god.... 

I had to pull the phone away from me a little and I burst out into tears.  I didn't want to be rude so I tried my hardest to hide away the tears, and I did.  I pulled the phone back to my mouth.

Olivia - Sorry Officer, thank you for letting me know. I will tell my sister.  Goodbye.  

Officer - Oh that's ok, don't be sorry though, it is not your fault.  I am very sorry about your loss, Olivia.  Goodnight now.  

I hung up the phone and slowly placed it back on my desk, I walked back over to the bed, I didn't want Louis to see me cry, cause I would have been a mess but I could feel the tears coming as easy as you can feel the wind in your face.  

As I got to the bed I sat there in shock and waited for the tears to flow.  But they didn't flow they bucketed down my cheeks and I thought it would never stop.  Nothing else happened just tears.  Louis walked out of the wardrobe with no shirt on just some blue boxers, the sight of him would have made me drool if I wasn't crying my eyes out right now.  He must have noticed me crying my eyes out like a little baby, because he ran over to me and pulled me into his chest in a hug.  I put one hand on his abs and another on his lower back.  We sat there for what seemed like forever and I told him what Officer Greg had said, I kept crying buckets of tears, and I prayed that something amazing and miracle worthy would happen to cheer me up.  He comforted me and said everything would be ok.  And I believed him.  

I went and told my sister and she was just as upset as I was we were both hugging and crying so much cause it had been at least 2 months since we had last seen them, and now they were dead just like that.  It was going to be hard from now on and we both new that.  We went downstairs to find everyone in the Loung Room.  They were all in a big huddle.

As we walked into the room the huddle broke up and everyone was staring at us, like we had tentacles and a chicken head.  The events in the Lounge Room I can't quite recall because I was so upset I couldn't think straight.  I just remeber the words: Paul being our legal guardian and will you come and live with us?  I immediately said yes of course because apart from my sister and Amy, One Direction felt like family.  Which sounds strange because a week ago I had posters of them up on my wall not kissing one of them and calling Louis my boyfriend and the rest of them my best friends.  The past week had been the best week in my whole life and it was a week that would ever have only been my dreams and now it was reality.  


A/N: Sorry guys for the short chapter but I thought the next part in the book was so exciting that it should have it's own chapter!! So the next chapter will be posted up soon!! Thanks to everyone for reading my book I really appreciate it!! Hope you like the chapter but there is more to come, something that is so exciting I have to go and continue to write it now!! Comment and Vote!! Comment if you want the next chapter to be Long or Short!! ILY GUYS

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