Chapter 25

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Amelia's POV

I was get married to Niall Horan!!!! Now I know you are probably thinking that I am only happy about this cause Niall is famous and in One Direction, well your wrong, I love Niall and he is the sweetest guy I have ever dated and he is understanding and amazing in every single way!! 


"Little Nialler is getting married!!!" all the boys said at once.  

"Amelia is getting married"  all the girls squeeled afterwards.

I began to cry, tears rushed down my face like a waterfall.  Memories flashed before my eyes and I had to run out of everyones view, I let go of Niall's hand and ran to the closest door..... The bathroom and slammed the door behind me.  I tried slowing my tears and it worked until I was absolutely silent.  Until I heard Niall crying too and I felt his pain and I began crying again, and as hard as I tried this time I couldn't stop, I have only ever cried once in my life and that was when my mum and dad died, so now was the only other time, so everything that was ever worth crying over came into my mind and brought tears to my face, and whenever I tried to stop the tears another terrible and upsetting memory flooded my head.  

I slid down against the tiled bathroom wall and sat there with my head resting on my knees and my hands hiding my tear struck face.  I heard the door open and close again but I was too upset to lift my head to see who.  Whoever it was slid down the wall and sat on the floor next to me.  They reached their arms around me, embracing me in a tight hug.  No one spoke until I looked up....... Niall....

I opened my arms and rested my head on his chest and we embraced each other in a tight hug.  When I looked at his face he had red eyes from crying too and I felt bad knowing I had caused it.  

"I'm so sorry Amelia....." Niall spoke.  I let go Niall and lifted my leg over his so I was sitting on the top of his thighs as they laid out against the cold floor.  

"Niall...... why are you sorry, it wasn't you, please........" I didn't want him to feel bad for me but I thought that to stop him feeling this way I needed to tell him the story.

"It was my senior year, our graduation day and I had all my friends around me and my boyfriend, Nick.  It couldn't have been a better day at all, so we graduated and I said goodbye to my friends but we were gonna go on our camping trip the week after so it wouldn't be too long before I saw them again..... and so that night Nick and I went on a date, to this fancy restaurant in town, and because it was late he offered for me to stay at his the night, but I said no could he just take me home.  So he said he would, in the car I fell asleep cause I was tired.  And when I woke up we were in the middle of know where.  I had no idea where we were, and Nick wasn't in the car.  I tried opening the car door but they were all locked.  And by this point I was freaking out.  I unclipped my seat belt and banged hard on the window..... I was screaming so loud and then out of know where Nick appeared, opening the door for me.  He tightly gripped my arm and yanked me out of the car, but we didn't go anywhere and he didn't say anything.  He shut my door and opened the door to the back seat of the car.  He threw me in and climbed on top of me.  I asked him what he was doing and I began kicking and screaming.  But his answer was scary "Lia, babe come on no one will hear you out here, and I need some sex, so rape." I was so scared but he was right no one did hear me.  He took off all my clothes and his and it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced.  By the end of the night I was bleeding badly from all the scratches and cuts he gave me, and when he was satisfied he cleaned me up and ordered me to put my clothes back on, and then he took me out of the car, forced a ring on my finger saying we are getting married and that I would be his rape doll, but I could't tell anyone.  When my camping trip came up I had been rapped several times by him and I was in terrible pain, so when we had driven all the way to the camp grounds I told the girls everything and they cancelled the trip just to help me get a lawyer and get him arrested.  Which is where Nick lives now, in Jail.  Thats why I cried, is because the last time I was getting married was for a terrible reason and it used to be someone I loved until that night.  And I haven't ever cried before except for the time my parents died, so everytime I experienced something to cry about I didn't.  I love you Niall, so much." 

By now Niall had tears slowly rolling down his cheeks one after the other, he pulled me in and kissed me passionately and I kissed him back just the same, once we parted our forheads rested together and we stared into each others eyes.  "I love you with all my heart Amelia, and I would never even think about doing this to you."  And with that we kissed again until we got up and walked downstairs to join the others, we were hand in hand.  

Harry's POV

Seeing all the boys with their girlfriends made me jealous, because I hadn't found my girl yet, but Olivia was saying that they knew a girl who was also looking for someone, Georgia.  So I should talk to them about that. 


Last month was definitely busy:

Me and Georgia becoming an item

Liam and Amy's engagement dinner

Niall and Amelia got married 

Louis and Olivia cancelled the buy on their house

and the plans to renovate the house have been approved.  

So the plans for the house are: it is going to be extended and separated into five different apartments so that each couple has it's own apartment.  But I decided not to talk to Georgia about moving in with me yet, but the renovation starts at the end of this week and I am so excited.  

Anyway..... tonight is my 1 month anniversary with Georgia but I don't want to rush her into a deep relationship but I don't want to lose her so I have decided that I will try to kiss her.  


As I walked home from the restaurant hand in hand with Georgia I spun her around so that she was facing me and I slowly inched closer to her and kissed her passionately on the lips, at first she wasn't quite sure how to react but she didn't push me off, until she kissed me back.  I wrapped my arms around her lower back and she wrapped her arms around my neck and one hand ran through my curls.  I loved her and she loved me back.  I pulled away and left a kiss on her rosy cheeks.  

"I love you Georgia"  "I love you too Harry." And with that we walked home hand in hand.  

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