#5: He Accidentally Insults You (Part 1)

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"Come on, Y/N! We've gotta go!" Harry shouts from dowstairs, urging you to finish your look as fast as possible. You bought a new dress, hoping that he'll like it as much as you did. You finished putting on your lipstick and grabbed your purse, leaving your room.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Harry asks, a look of confusion on his face. Does it look terrible? You start worrying as his gaze doesn't leave your dress. "It looks ugly on you." Harry bluntly spits out, regretting it the second he says it.

You couldn't believe what you heard. He could've said it in a nicer way than to blurt it out rudely! He knows how insecure you are about your body! You turn around and make your way to your room, ready to cry your heart out of embarassment. "Babe, I didn't mean it that way!" You hear him shout and let out a defeated sigh.

"Just leave me alone!"


You and Liam were having a movie night and since you were spending the night at his, you decided to remove your makeup. Well, bad choice. "C'mon, Y/N! The movie's ready!" Liam shouts, causing you to fumble with your makeup remover.

After a few minutes, you finally got your makeup off and headed to the couch where Liam is on. You smiled to yourself and sat beside him, making him look down on you. "What's wrong?" You ask nervously, biting your lip. Liam just shook his head with and turned his attention to the movie, glancing at you almost every minute.

Finally, you've had enough. You stood up with a frown on your face. "What is it, Liam? Stop staring!" You grit your teeth, suddenly feeling ugly and unattractive. Liam contemplates a bit before answering. "You just look... different." Liam answers, trying to make you watch the movie with him again.

You were hurt. You thought Liam liked you with or without makeup on. You tugged your hand away and felt tears brimming. "I know it alright? I'm ugly!" You storm off, slamming the door when you get into his room. You hear footsteps following you but chose to ignore it.

"No, that isn't what I meant!" He pleads for you to come out of the room and forgive him. You glare at the door as if it was Liam.

"Piss off!" You say before breaking down into tears.


Niall loves eating and so do you. You love how you don't have to feel concious about yourself since Niall always tells you how thin and beautiful you are.

"I'm full!" You moan, rubbing your stomach after eating around three burgers. Niall chuckles and nods. He actually ate four burgers. "Of course you're going to feel full!" He says, lifting an eyebrow. Once you two get home, you were excited to try the new chips you bought.

"Ni! You wanna eat these?" You ask, showing Niall the bag of chips. To your surprise, Niall frowned and shook his head. "Princess, I think you ate enough." He smiles, taking the bag from you and placing it back to were it belongs. Is your appetite too much? You thought he liked your big appetite, after all, it's what made you two a better match!

You frown and felt a tear fall, quickly wiping it away. "I t-thought you loved m-my appetite." You tell him, quite hurt with what he said. He always encourages you to eat, so what's different with this time?

"No, I didn't mean it that way." His eyes widens at the realization of what he said. You make your way to your room and lock it.

"Don't bother talking to me!" You shout, letting yourself cry.


You were always insecure with your height, especially since you were on the tall side. Luckily, Louis was a bit taller than you. Just a bit.

You and Louis were having cuddle day! You were pretty excited since Louis was busy the whole week and you barely have any time to spend time with him. "I missed you, love!" He shouts, hugging you tightly.

"I missed you too, Lou!"

He grins and pecks your lip before changing into comfy clothes. You were in your lazy day outfit, so you didn't have a problem. "C'mere!" He shouts, opening his arms wide for you to jump into. You didn't hesitate and cuddled with him, satisfied to be in his strong arms.

"Shrink down a little, it's making me hard to reach ya!" He says, quite seriously, causing you to unnoticably curl up into a ball. You frown and create some distance between the two of you, causing your boyfriend to be confused.

"I think that you grew an inch or two, Y/N." He somewhat jokes, causing you to smack his chest quite hardly. You felt a blush coming on and you stormed out of the room without a word. He might think it's funny but you took it seriously, considering how concious you are with your height.

"I was just joking, love!" He shouts after you, but you buried your head into your pillow to block out his voice.


You and Zayn were watching a comedy-themed movie in the living room. You loved it when you two just watch movies while you were cuddled up. You didn't have to stress about your problems.

After the main character said something horribly funny, both you and Zayn bursted out in laughter. "Babe, your laugh makes this movie a whole lot funnier." He laughs, shaking his head.

For the whole movie, you tried to keep your mouth shut... it was hard but you managed. "Why weren't you laughing?" Zayn asks at the end of the movie. This set you off. You pushed him away and stomped off while shouting.

"You might laugh too much at my laugh, Zayn!"

There is a part 2... :)

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