#24: You Get Injured While He's On Tour (Harry)

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"Are you sure you're alright babe? Maybe you should go to the hospital." Harry suggests. You've been having headaches and flu. The worst thing is, after you get better, it comes back.

"I'm fine, cupcake. It's just flu." You say, making your way down the stairs. As you took a step, you felt a wave of nausea and dizziness. You fell forwards, hitting your head on the cemented floor which caused you to black out. Poor Harry was worried sick.

Soon, you opened your eyes only to see a bright light. "Thank goodness you woke up. I told you to go to the doctors!" Harry places his hands on his hip. You roll your eyes and sit up but Harry pushes you back down on the soft bed.

"Aren't you supposed to be on tour?" You ask with a bit of surprise and confusion in your tone. He nods with a smile. "You shouldn't have come back." You chuckle, ruffling his hair. He shrugs.

"Have to be there for my number one lady." He cheekily grins, giving you a swift peck on the lips. You smile, knowing how lucky you are to have Harry. "But your fans-" he cuts you off by gently pressing a finger onto your soft lips, effectively shutting you up.

"They said it was okay. I asked them." He shrugs, his whole body slumping afterwards. You were released after a few days, cured of your flu. Harry always made sure then to bring you with him on tour.

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