#27: You Get Injured While He's On Tour (Louis)

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You were at home all alone again. Well, at least you thought you were. You heard a bunch of crashes and banging downstairs. You also heard deep voices talking in what they think is a hushed whisper. And you were scared.

You quickly dialed Louis' number, hoping for a response. Yet, you were sent to voicemail every single time. You tried and tried for 10 times with no luck. This time, you dialed 911 and someone picked up.

You told them everything. Everything. And they assured you that they would be there immediately, sending you massive relief. You let out a small breath, before returning to panicking.

When you heard footsteps slowly getting louder, you knew you had to hide somewhere. And that's what you did. You crawled under the bed, hands trembling and cold. "Please don't find me, please don't find me." You mumbled over and over again until you heard the door open.

You felt tears rushing to your eyes and you felt weak and helpless. Then you heard the door slam open. "Who's there?!" A voice shouts, causing you to flinch. You stayed down and you didn't dare to move.

"Come on, take the valuables and lets leave." Another man says, thinking that no one is home. You felt relief when you saw them leaving, but it was soon gone when your phone rang.

It was Lou. Dammit! Wrong timing Lou! You prayed that they would ignore it and leave, but they didn't. They walked over to the bed and peaked under, seeing you hidden.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here?" A man evilly grinned, pulling you by the hair. You struggled, letting out soft whimpers. "Let go. Please." You beg, eyes watering up.

"Aren't you lovely?" He asks, slapping you once before proceeding to kiss your lips. You tried to escape his grasp but you couldn't. They were two grown man and you were... well, you were just a girl.

You pushed the man and tried to get up on your feet but the second man pulled you down, pressing a knife to your throat. You knew that your wrist would bruise since they were gripping onto it too tight.

Then you heard a couple more footsteps. The police! "Hands up!" The girl says, aiming the gun she has. The robbers glares at you, pulling out their gun as the first man shoots you in the stomach. That was the last thing you saw and heard before you blacked out.

"Wake up. Come on, Y/N. Wake up. Please." You heard a familiar voice beg, pain evident in the tone. Louis. It was Louis. You tried to open your eyes, but you felt that your eyelids weighed a ton. "I miss you. I love you. Please, wake up." You heard him whisper. You heard the line you wanted to hear.

That was enough motivation. You slowly opened your eyes and looked around you, only to see a plain colored room. "Lou." You breathed out, sitting up to hug your boyfriend. He hugs you back, swearing that he'll never leave you again.

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