#6: He Accidentally Insults You (Part 2)

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Harry knocked onto the door for the hundredth time this evening and you decided to let him in. "Babe, I didn't mean that you looked ugly! It's not you, it's the dress!" Harry assures you. At first, you refused to listen to his excuses... but then he started singing to you. And that was when you realized he was being honest.

You nodded and jumped into his arms, burying your face into his chest. You heard him sigh with content. "This is where you belong." He murmurs into your hair.

"I'm so sorry for making you feel insecure, babe. You're perfect. And you're mine." Harry smiles lovingly, smoothing out your hair. Then you remember the party. You pushed yourself out and tugged onto Harry's arm.

"The party!" You shout, scrambling to get ready. You heard Harry chuckle and pull you closer to him. "I said that I was sick. Now, do you want to eat out?" He asks, making you grin and nod at his offer.


Liam was sitting outside of the room, he was waiting for a chance to apologize properly. "I'm hungry." You rubbed your stomach, pouting as it rumbles. You opened the door and saw Liam quickly stand, holding the door open.

"Y/N, you're beautiful with makeup on, but you look even more beautiful without makeup on. It was just my first time seeing you without makeup and it was a good different, I swear." Liam finishes his speech off, pulling you into his bear hug. You sniffed a bit and hugged back.

"I'm sorry for jumping into conclusions." You apologized, rubbing your eyes. He shakes his head and kissed the top of your head. "And I'm incredibly sorry for making you feel insecure and bad about yourself. Don't ever think that you're ugly." He finishes.

You two stay in that position and decided to have dinner.


"Princess, can I come in? Please?" Niall asks you. You debate for a minute and relucantly let him in. When he enters, his face suddenly falls. You've been crying for who knows how long, and you probably look like crap.

"I love your appetite, Y/N. I love how you aren't shy to eat in front of me. I love how we match perfectly. I love every single thing about you." He says, kissing your newly shed tears away. You nodded a lot of times and hugged Niall as hard as you can.

"I know how you get sick when you eat a lot. I just don't want you to vomit and get sick." He explains, rubbing circles on your back. Then you felt bad for snapping at Niall. He cared for you and you jumped into conclusions.

"I'm sorry for being such an inconsiderate girlfriend." You apologize, pecking Niall on his lips. You are really lucky to have him. "Don't say that, princess. You're the best girlfriend any person could ask for." He kisses you back, soon holding you in his arms.


Louis has been poking you for who knows how long and you're getting pretty annoyed. And with one more poke, you had enough. "Would you stop that?!" You throw your hands up, causing your book to fly to the other end of the room. Louis looks at you in shock. You've never been that mad at him.

"I'm sorry. I just want to let you know that you're beautiful, tall or short. I'll love you either way. I like it that I don't have to bend down that much to kiss you or to look into your breathtaking eyes. I'm sorry for making you feel bad, love." He says, looking down at the floor then up at you. You were touched. All of your past relationships didn't work because of your height. Louis was... different. In a good way.

He loves people with his heart. "I'm sorry for overreacting, Lou. I'm sorry. I love you too." You say, crushing Louis in your hug. He returns the hug and pecks your forehead, smiling at you. You couldn't see him smile, but you surely felt it.


You missed Zayn. It's only been a few hours, but you missed talking to him and cuddling with him. But at the same time, you don't want to forgive him. He knows how much you hate your laugh. It sounds like an old man choking!

"I'm sorry, beautiful." You heard Zaym mumble. He was standing on the doorframe with a frown on his face. He also looked guilty and sad. "I hate my laugh, Zayn. You know that." You mutter as an answer. He only nods, showing that he knows.

"I know. And I'm sorry for being a jerk of a boyfriend about it." He sighs deeply, now walking towards you. You look at him and decide to tell him more. "I've always been made fun of because of my laugh." You said, tearing up.

"You were?" He asks in disbelief.

You only nod and slowly walk to him, hugging him as tight as you can manage. He hugs back ever so carefully as if you were a piece of glass. "I'm so sorry. I never knew and I... I love your laugh. I love you." He softly tells you, pressing a kiss to your temple.

"I love you too, Z."

Everyone has their own insecurities and no one should be made fun of it. Even these wonderful lads have theirs. Don't be ashamed to admit it. Stay strong! I love you all!

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