AU- The Trial of Sir Lancelot

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In this other world, Sam -in his super-powered Romuli form- accidentally destroyed a building holding illegal immigrant families while involved in a battle with an alien monster. The monster was killed, but several dead men, women and children were recovered, and the blame placed on The Circle itself. The Fiction has called a court of all Circle members around The Round Table to determine what is to be done. Sam's fate is in the hands of his comrades now... As are the consequences that follow...


The Circle members slowly filled the table, silently pouring glasses of water and organising their loaned police files on the matter at hand.

None of them liked the matter at hand.

The UN claimed that this was a Project Canine matter, and so The Circle must reply to the crime and determine the outcome. The world had almost completely united its opinion; they wanted him dead.

The accused stood alone, yet head held high. His pride, the stubborn belief that he could never have known about the people there, was evidenced all over his face. He requested that he be uncuffed, and so his friends conceded to the request out of respect. Nevertheless, Isy stood behind him, his hand resting on the hilt of his specially-made Orderium sword. While the weapon didn't have the same deliberating affect on Sam as it did on Johnny or Nat, it was one-hit-fatal nonetheless.

Fittingly then, the alien was sitting stiff-backed, visibly uncomfortable and mopping his brow nervously with a handkerchief from being in the same room as the weapon- originally a gift from Johnny to Isy as a deterrent from him going mad or evil. Nataly had requested to not remain in the same room as the weapon during the proceedings, which the others accepted with unspoken agreement. No getting angry for her, not today of all days.

Alfred cleared his voice, and began the ceremonies as the court speaker. "Sammael Colt, otherwise known as the superhero Romuli, of UN Project Canine, you are present at this court of... loaned law accused of the manslaughter of 20 Syrian men, women and children, 37 Afghan Pashtun men, woman and children and 9 South American men of unknown birthplace. How do you plead?"

"I am guilty of only doing my duty as a member of The Circle and as a legally-bound hero of the United Nations. Had the peoples in question been evacuated with the other civilians as instructed by local law enforcement and news bulletins, then this entire situation would have been avoided..." There was a pause, and the whole room held their breath in tension.

"...But I should have been more aware and mindful of collateral damage. I could never have known everyone in the battle radius wasn't evacuated. I... submit myself to any punishment meted out in this court" Sam finished, slumping to his knees in defeat with his expression downcast.


The vote over Sam's judgement was a draw, with no abstains. Alfred and Charles couldn't vote because one was the speaker and another was technically dead.

Robin, Hanna, Nataly, Allis and Ellin had voted for his innocence, while Alicia, Lewik, Chris, Bryonie and Isy had voted him guilty. Only one vote was left.


While originally not counted due to his non-human status, everyone soon realised that, without his vote, Sam would have to be turned back over to a human court, where he would be either killed on the courthouse steps by an angry mob, or killed by the inmates and guards he was confined with. The whole hatred of the world was directed at him, leaving Johnny his only hope for the freedom to leave Earth. The law of Earth could not protect Sammael Colt.


Johnny sat in his leather chair by a large window, sipping at a glass of brandy while his colleagues bickered and addressed him with their arguments. His sad eyes fell across London, the night sky lit up with the sight of a Saturday nightlife.

His vote was still uncast.

"Consider what will happen if we let him just walk away. The world will hate us, the UN will disown us! We'll be thrown out onto the street!", Alicia stated, hands on hips in an attempt to take control of the argument.

"So, what? We kill or exile one of our best and most loyal friends? Think about everything he has done for us over the years! Is that worth nothing?" Hanna almost screamed, hardly believing the situation they had found themselves. It was her and Rob that remained most devoted to defending Sam's innocence.

Lewik cleared his throat from his place by the doorway. "I hate what we have to do here, but Sam represents the UN's worst nightmare; An uncontrollable weapon that can drop-kick humanities' worst enemies? They are right to be afraid of him".

Rob started forward. "Well you would know, wouldn't you? You're the one that-"


Silence fell across the room, and breath froze in lungs.

Johnny rose from his chair and carefully placed his empty glass on the side table beside it. Casting one more glance across London, he straightened his tie and turned to face his team and friends. A single wave of his hand, and Sam Colt was teleported into the room, bound in the strongest chains at The Circle's disposal- meteoric titanium heated in the heart of a dying sun.

Sam struggled slightly as he attempted to get comfortable again in his new surroundings, being locked in a compromising position by his friends, but was stopped by a gun to the back of his head.

Turning his head, he looked up into the barrel of Johnny's revolver, the alien looking him dead in the eyes, with only a single tear running down his cheek to resemble any form of emotion.

"Sammael Colt, otherwise known as the superhero Romuli, of UN Project Canine- this court finds you guilty of the accidental manslaughter of 20 Syrian men, women and children, 37 Afghan Pashtun men, woman and children and 9 South American men of unknown birthplace- all due to your poor planning and poor professionalism. Their needless deaths were because of your reckless attitude and carelessness of the world around you. The sentence..."

His voice cracked. Time slowed down.

"...Is death"

The finger tightened. Hanna started forward in panic, but not even super-speed changed the outcome.

The magnum round passed through Sam's skull, severing brain synapses instantly, shutting down the rest of his body. Quick. Painless. Clean.

The champion of the Earth fell to the floor, eyes wide, blood running over the polished white of the Ritz marble.


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