Part 1!

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Here we go again! Now don't expect this story to be at all like my last one-let me tell you, it's going to be a LOT different. I hope you enjoy reading this one just as much as you did the last one! (=ω) as usual, Y/N means your name, and I'll be using gender neutral pronouns so you can put preferred pronouns in the place of those.
You sat in your living room. It was quiet, and the air was warm. You clicked on the TV-noise instantly filled the small room.
On the TV was a show from MTT(what was usually on). It featured Mettaton as the main focus, as usual...No matter what the TV was putting into your ears, you couldn't think of anything else but Mettaton himself. And especially with that new body of made your heart skip a beat. You had interacted with Mettaton before, but it was simply for a brief period-nothing super crazy. Well, it was somewhat crazy, because he was trying to kill you at the time but, now things were different and you were 'friends' of sorts-but you were never able to talk to him. He was always so busy doing whatever he usually did...
You started paying attention to the TV again. It seemed like there was a dance-off of sorts going on, and Mettaton was crushing the competition, of course. He looked so perfect as he was dancing...he did everything flawlessly. You were in a trance while watching...
You snapped out of it. Nobody would want to be in a relationship with someone who did things like that. It just made you seem like a stalker...and you didn't want that.
After a while, the show was finished. You were upset when it was done, but you knew it was probably time you went outside. You stood up from your seated position on your couch and left your house, locking the door behind you.
The humid air of Hotland hit you instantly as you started walking away from your house. You were constantly breathing in and out-it was especially hot around your house for no reason. When MTT Resort came into view, the heat wasn't as blistering. You sighed and looked over at the resort. You could go inside, but you weren't gonna get anything, probably. You didn't have much glanced in your wallet. 120g was all you counted...maybe you would grab a Starfait while you were in there...
And so, you went inside. You didn't go in because you were wanting to see Mettaton-you really only went in because you had enough to grab a bite to eat. You went through the golden doors next to the elevator, walking inside. You saw Burgerpants working. There really wasn't anyone there other than you. You walked up to the cash register...
"Oh, I don't see you around here very often, little buddy. What do you want?" Burgerpants asked as you walked up. "Eh, I shouldn't act surprised to see you...I wouldn't come here often either if I didn't work here..." He muttered.
"Uh, I'll just have a Starfait..." You answered while getting 60g from your wallet.
"Alright. Here you are, little buddy." He slid the Starfait across the counter as you handed him the 60g. You didn't plan on leaving to eat it, so you took a seat at one of the stools at the counter and sighed as you began to eat it quietly. Just then, the doors flew open. It made you jump, and you almost spilled some of the Starfait on your clothes. You turned around to see why the doors opened-
Mettaton. It was Mettaton. He was standing in the doorway...He had opened the doors, you guessed. He went inside, almost completely ignoring the fact that you were there at all.
"Oh, now, Burgerpants, don't think I didn't hear you now...driving away our loyal customers...?" Mettaton walked up to the counter, his heels clicking and clacking every step of the way. "You really are terrible at your're supposed to be wanting the customers to stay, not to never come back again, right?"
Burgerpants just groaned. You ate your Starfait quietly. Suddenly, Mettaton looked at you. You froze up.
"Oh! Hello, Y/N! I didn't even see you there, darling!" His tone changed quickly from angry to gentle and kind. "I haven't talked with you in a while~" he smiled, taking a seat at the stool next to yours.
You slowly turned to face him. It was hard to move. "Oh, yeah, we really haven't talked much, huh?" You laughed a little, but you were just trying to hide how nervous you were. "Um, how are you?" You noticed Burgerpants cleaning the counter.
"I'm doing just magnificently! Thank you for asking, darling!~" Mettaton gave you a sparkling smile. You knew he was only being a good friend, but you dreamed that he was really being so nice because he liked you back...
Dreams could be funny and unrealistic sometimes.
"H-has it really been so long since we've talked? I feel like it was just yesterday..." You smiled and pretended to remember, but really, you knew he hadn't talked with you in a'd been counting. 23 days...
"Hm, I suppose it must have been quite some time!" He shrugged. You deeply hoped you weren't blushing and acting flustered while talking to him. "Oh my...It appears I have things to do. I am sorry, darling! Let's catch up later, okay?" Mettaton exited his chair and left the room quickly. You felt your face get a little knew you would start blushing after finally getting to have a conversation with him.
You were happy that you ran into him coincedentally, but would it happen again? You pondered while leaving the resort...
And we're done! I'm so happy to have started writing this omg...I hope you're all as excited for this x reader as I am~!

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