Part 12!

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If you skipped the last chapter, the day ended and it's morning now. Also my italics are broken and I'm mad.
You yawned. "Mornin', Mettaton..." He didn't seem to be awake, but you said it anyway. You crawled out of the bed quietly so you wouldn't wake him and got dressed. You were still sleepy, so you got back under the mess of blankets in your clothes(because why not). You felt a hand ruffle your hair.
"Good morning, darling~" it was Mettaton's voice. You sat up and smiled. That woke you up a little more.
"I already got dressed, but I got back in bed..." You explained with a shrug. That was something you did often.
"Alright, let's not waste any time, then~ let's go and start our day, shall we?" He asked, and you nodded after taking a small snack for your breakfast.
You both headed outside into the hot air. Mettaton didn't seem to care, but you felt like your skin could melt off. You groaned as you walked away from the house. Why was it so hot in that specific area? It made you mad.
"We should make a stop at Waterfall today," you suggested. "It's really nice there..." Your mind trailed of to memories of Waterfall and its peacefulness and tranquility. Oh, and Napstablook. Mettaton would probably want to see Napstablook.
"That sounds like a good idea, Y/N! We should go!" He took your hands. You could've sworn he was starry-eyed-he was clearly excited. You were too.
On your way to Waterfall, you and Mettaton walked past Sans' hot dog booth. Coincidentally, he was there, working the stand.
"Good morning, Sans!" You smiled as you walked by.
"mornin'," he gave you a nod. You smiled as you walked past-but Sans quickly stopped you in your tracks. "wait, hey, mettaton, y/n, c'mere a sec," Sans said.
You turned. "Hm? What is it, darling?" Mettaton asked as you both headed towards the booth.
"well, ever since he found out you two were together, papyrus has been dying to have you over for dinner," Sans explained. "he tried to call you about it last night, but you didn't pick up. he told me to keep an eye out," Sans finished.
"Oh, I think we can go!" You exclaimed before glancing at Mettaton. "What do you think?"
"...That sounds...Yeah, it's good!" Mettaton smiled.
"also, i meant to ask...why didn't you answer the calls? papyrus called you a few times last night. he was getting worried because he knows you usually pick up the phone," Sans asked before you could walk away. You thought about it for a second. What were you doing that kept you from your phone last nigh-
You had to think of a quick excuse. You couldn't just outright say what you'd done...
"I'm not sure...maybe I, uh, had it in my bag and didn't hear it ringing? Maybe I left it in a d-different room..." You were sweating a little.
" that really it?" Sans seemed to be onto you.
"I-I really don't know! I didn't hear it, I'm sorry, I might've been doing something-" you tried to say.
"doing what?" Sans asked. Why was he doing this?
"Oh, I can tell you all about that," Mettaton began. You glared at him quickly, giving him a face that clearly meant for him to stop talking.
"I don't remember, I think I fell asleep. Sorry," you said quickly. You couldn't think of anything else.
"eh, alright. you two do whatever, i don't know." Sans shooed you off. However, you could tell that you'd be questioned later at the dinner gathering...
You and Mettaton finally made it to Waterfall.
"It's so nice here..." You said as you sat on a boardwalk above rushing water. Mettaton sat beside you.
"It really is..." You casually leaned against him. He put his arm around you. You closed your eyes and smiled-this was so peaceful and nice to you. You wanted to stay here, in Waterfall, listening to the rushing water forever...but that forever was cut short.
"Hey, Y/N, we should go see Napstablook," Mettaton suggested. You opened your eyes.
"Huh? Yeah, sure," you shrugged. That wasn't really your point of going to Waterfall, but Napstablook was Mettaton's cousin, after all.
And so, after a meeting with Napstablook, you checked the time.
"Oh, maybe we should start heading to Sans and Papyrus' place. Sans didn't really give us a specific time, but..." You began, and Mettaton didn't make you finish.
"I understand, darling! Let's go, shall we?" Mettaton took your hand and the two of you headed off to Sans and Papyrus' house in Snowdin. It wasn't too far of a trip.
You hadn't even knocked when the door swung open, Papyrus standing in the doorway. "HELLO, HUMAN, METTATON!" Papyrus exclaimed in his usual loud voice. "I HOPE YOU ARE READY FOR THE EXCELLENT DINNER I HAVE PREPARED!"
You were suddenly regretting this. You had previous experience with Papyrus' food-it wasn't usually edible. You just prayed you'd be able to eat it.
It was going to be a crazy night.
And here we are. This story is already longer than my last one! I mean, I guess I had more ideas to start out on this one...

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