Part 6!

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I'm so happy! Next week I only have two days of school because of Thanksgiving! How about you? I'm so ready for Thanksgiving, and eating lots of food...Just remember, don't get sick off of too much stuffing!
You sat there for a while. You were still trying to grasp the situation. It wasn't for a while that the kiss suddenly was brought to an end. You felt your face falter from its original vibrant red to a dusted pink. You could hardly believe it was actually happening. You knew that it couldn't be an act of some sort, he had, in fact, kissed you more than once, and you could tell just by the way he had been kissing, this was real. It wasn't some sort of prank or anything...It was actually happening. You felt Mettaton's hand gently brushing through your hair again.
"Sorry if I startled you, darling, I assure I did not mean for it to come as that much of a surprise..." He seemed a little worried and you weren't sure why. "Are you okay?"
"I'm alright, I'm just...trying to take this in. I wasn't expecting this to happen and so quickly, I..." you explained, still starry eyed. "But you didn't scare me, I'm okay," you responded, smiling calmly. You lowered your head and hugged him gently.
He whispered into your ear. "I love you, Y/N...Don't forget that, okay?" He said, returning your hug. You smiled, heaving a sigh. You were happy. Things seemed to be working the way you had wanted them to...
"I love you, too," you responded, lowering your eyes slightly. You were pretty were fighting trying to stay awake, but you didn't want to fall asleep now, especially while you were practically on top of Mettaton. You yawned and Mettaton seemed to be able to tell you were tired.
"It's okay, can sleep, I'll stay with you," Mettaton held you gently in his arms and helped you get comfortable. You smiled, closing your eyelids carefully and calmly. You could tell you'd have a good rest...or so, you hoped...
[ Dream sequence ]
You found yourself standing in the center of a dark room. You didn't see any walls. It seemed like the room was endless. You looked down at were wearing your normal clothes, but there was a heart-shaped light glowing through the shirt you were wearing, which wasn't there before. You were confused...what was that?
Suddenly, a flower popped up from the ground. The flower had yellow petals and a wide, white center. You had only seen it for a split second before jumping back. You glanced at it again and noticed that the flower had a smiling face among its center.
"Huh?" You exclaimed in surprise apon seeing the flower's face. You were sent tumbling back into a seated position. You hadn't seen anything like it before, definitely not in the underground. Was it a monster?
Suddenly, the strange plant began to speak. "Howdy, human! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" He smiled at you. "You know, I never really formally introduced myself, did I?" He asked. His smile was extremely off-putting and gave you chills. "You know, I've been following you since the start of your journey, and I'm impressed! You've made friends with almost all of these monsters!" He exclaimed, still having that smile on his face.
"Y-yeah, what of it? I mean, why do you care? I-I'm just a really friendly person!" You responded, interrupting the flower.
"Well, I'm just surprised..." His expressions began to shift. "That you haven't killed anyone yet." The plant had a creepy looking smile on his face and it was making you shiver. What did he mean? "I mean, isn't living without a little death here and there just so boring?" Flowey sighed and his expression turned back to his off-putting smile.
"W-What do you mean?" You asked, afraid.
"Well, I'll make things more interesting! I'm getting real bored with your clichés..." He lowered his eyes. "I mean, you even got the pop idol to love you! How cliché is THAT?" He seemed to roll his eyes. "I'm gonna make things a little more interesting! I'm done with you and all your little clichés..." The flower explained, his overly creepy smile returning. "I'LL be taking the wheel from here! It's time for me to take some action!" The plant yelled at you, an even more twisted expression on his face.
"H-Huh? What's going on?" You were shaking and breathing heavily. What was he gonna do?
"I'll see you soon, Y/N!" How did he learn your name. "I hope you'll be ready for what's gonna be there when you wake up!" Wake up? What did he mean? Were you in your dream?
You opened your mouth to speak, but before you knew it, the flower had disappeared into the ground. You felt yourself slowly slipping back into reality, the image of the flower not once leaving your mind.
Uh oh, Flowey in this fanfic? I hope you know that things are gonna get weird! Stay tuuuned~

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