Part 15!

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Here we are...the final's time. It's probably going to be short and sweet.
You woke up in a place that was not your home. You would've screamed if you didn't notice Mettaton. He was sitting down on the floor next to the bed you were on. "Huh...?" You said tiredly.
"Oh, good, you're awake, darling!" He smiled. "I was worried. You passed out at an abnormal time and..." He began, but then he paused. "Well, maybe I should start with why you're here-since you passed out, I thought it'd be ridiculous to bring you home, so...I brought you to my house, instead. I hope that isn't too bad, is it, darling?"
You shook your head. "It's alright, but..." You sat up. "Why are you sitting on the floor? I mean, you could've gotten on the bed, right?"
"I didn't want to disturb you," he explained with a sigh. "Also, are you alright? I was worried you might be sick..."
"Sick?" You paused. You didn't feel nauseous or anything. "I don't think so. If I was sick, I'd probably be able to tell," you explained, shrugging. You didn't get sick that often, so you weren't surprised.
"Oh, that's great!" He practically tackled you. "I was really worried! Don't scare me like that again, darling!" He laughed and pecked your cheek.
"Haha, sorry," you shrugged, motioning for him to get off of you as you sat up. "Now what should we do today?" You said, leaning against him.
"I don't know for sure, but I know I'll be spending every minute with you, Y/N~" he wrapped his arm around you and held you against his chestplate.
"You're such a charmer, you know," you smiled up at him.
"I know, darling," he held his lips up against yours.
You were happy this way, and so was Mettaton. You could tell things were going to stay like this for a long time...well, you hoped so, at least.

Darling! ( Mettaton x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now