Part 5!

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I should've posted this earlier but a lot of stuff has been coming up for me lately! I recently dislocated my kneecap and that's kept me busy and I've been so busy trying to beat Sans in Undertale( I think I've wasted 10 hours now ) and I've put this story off because of that. Sorry! Expect more updates soon!
You started blushing a lot. What the heck? Mettaton was...hugging you? Or something. You couldn't make sense of the situation.
"M-Mettaton? What are you doing, y-you're really cold-" You were being serious. His metal body was like ice, even while you were burning up from embarrassment. He kept pulling you closer to him and you gradually got colder.
"Oh, but darling, you're so hot!" He exclaimed and you got even redder. You assumed he meant it in a literal sense, but he still said it in a way that made you think he meant that he thought you were attractive. "Oh my, are you okay? You feel like you're running a fever!"
"I'M OKAY!" You half-yelled. You were sweating and trying not to freak out. Thankfully, Mettaton's ice-to-the-touch temperature was helping cool you off, but you were still having a hard time keeping your cool.
"Hm, if you say you're alright, I believe you, darling! But don't go getting sick on me now~" Mettaton smiled and pulled you as close as he could. He put his hand through your hair.
"Wh-what are you doing?" You asked, but you smiled as you felt his hand go through your hair-it made you feel surprisingly calm, and you felt your face lower in temperature.
"I'm just making you feel happy, that's all, y/n~" Mettaton said, looking down into your eyes as you were looking up into his. "A little love never hurt anyone, did it, darling?"
Unexpectedly, he brought your lips to his. His lips were warm, and they felt surprisingly soft. You couldn't help but wonder if he had made it feel that way on purpose. Your face went red again. You didn't expect it at all, but you couldn't help but enjoy it. The kiss lasted for at least ten seconds before Mettaton pulled away.
"Wh-what?" You didn't even try to hide the fact that you were flustered at this point. "Th-that...does that mean...Huh...?"
Mettaton held your face by the chin and gently stroked your face with his thumb. "You're beautiful, y/n...I can't imagine myself with anyone else. Why, I've felt this way for a while, but I've never known how to approach you." He whispered gently and calmly. You couldn't believe it. You were starry eyed. "And I knew this would be a chance..." He closed his eyes and smiled. "If you don't return my feelings...that's okay. I understand...but I want you to know that you're beautiful, darling." He opened his eyes and gazed calmly into yours. You returned the look, but you knew you were still in shock and that you really couldn't make yourself look as calm as he had.
"I-I..." It crossed your mind that he didn't even stutter once, but you quickly threw the thought away, knowing it was unimportant. "I...I feel the same way, Mettaton..." You said quietly. "...And I have for the longest time..." You glanced away for a moment. "But I haven't been brave enough to try and talk to you...and you always seemed so busy..." You explained, sighing lightly. You felt Mettaton running his hand through your hair again. "And every time I talked to you, it felt like a blessing."
"Oh, could've talked to me any time!" Mettaton seemed surprised. "But, it's alright. You didn't know that, and I did not know how I could approach you, either. I suppose we were in the same place..." His tone quickly reverted to calm and gentle as he continued to run his hand through your hair.  "But to be honest, I truly do love you, y/n, my darling."
You were still in awe. He just confessed his feelings...for you? You would've thought he'd want to be in a relationship with anyone other than you... "I...I love you too...Mettaton..." Your face was still burning red.
"You're looking a little red, darling...maybe this will help." Mettaton smiled.
He pulled you into a kiss once again...
This was such a fun chapter to write! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Also, I don't know if all of my followers celebrate it, but I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving next week! Stay safe and try not to dislocate your knee like I did today...Have a good day/night/afternoon!

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