Part 10!

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Just so you all know, there will be a lemon chapter but it is not required that you read it-it won't have to do with the plot of this x reader. It'll take place next chapter for anyone who's interested! I'll be sure to remind everyone before I start writing. And since most of the people reading this seem to be female, I'll be making the lemon female-based...I hope you're excited~~
You gasped when you saw him. Sans was coming up the steps, and he didn't look very happy. In fact, he looked very angry-you could tell this wouldn't end well.
"S-Sans?" You asked. "Is, uh, everything okay?" You were hoping he wasn't mad because the thing with you and Mettaton. But hopes are just hopes, aren't they? Sans was your best friend in the underground-he always was protective of you just as much as he was Papyrus, as you were practically siblings at this point.
"yeah, everything's fine." He said sarcastically. He lifted his head and gave Mettaton a nasty glare. His eye flashed blue.
You could already tell this wouldn't end well. He practically pushed you aside and stepped right up to Mettaton.
"so, if what papyrus told me is true, you're having an ordeal with y/n here, aren't you, buddy?" He was backing Mettaton up to the wall.
"S-Sans, stop, it's okay-" you tried to speak, but he ignored you entirely.
"so what's that all about?" He was up in Mettaton's face now. You inched closer. "do you think this is some sort of joke? because it isn't funny." You could hardly see his expression, but you could tell. Sans was mad, and I mean mad. "i'm supposed to be watching over them. do you think i'm gonna put up with this shit? because i won't." You saw Sans' hand light up. You knew that meant no good.
"Sans! Stop! It's alright, okay? He's not a bad person!" You tried to pull him away with no prevail. You were only answered with being thrown to the floor with Sans' magic. It didn't hurt like you thought it would.
"did you think i wouldn't find out about this? think again." Sans wasn't giving out. You were starting to get worried. "i'm not going to allow this. i don't want you trying anything-especially not with y/n." You saw Sans clench his fists.
You didn't know what to do. All your attempts seemed to fail. You couldn't get his attention by just talking, but...
"Sans!" You yelled as loud as you could. "STOP!" You followed the other exclamation with a second yell. You felt yourself crying. Why were you crying? That was weird.
Sans stopped. He took a step back, and his eyes were normal. He looked at you in surprise. Mettaton, who had been forced to sit down, stood back up.
"It's alright, you don't have don't have to worry about me all the time, y'know?" You were trying to stop crying, but with no prevail. Tears continued to fall.
"...why are you crying?" Sans looked worried. "i'm sorry, this is all my fault. shit-"
You shook your head and wiped your face again as Mettaton walked up next to you. "No, it's not your fault-look, Mettaton's okay, alright?" You sighed as the robot put his arm around you. "You don't have to worry so much about me. I'll be okay, Sans." You reassured. You stopped crying, cleaning up your face for a final time.
"i'm sorry. to both of you. i just got so mad, i don't know what happened-" Sans began.
"Don't worry, darling, I'm sure we can understand," Mettaton smiled, and you nodded in agreement.
Sans didn't say a word. He still looked worried. He took a few steps back into the dark area behind him, and disappeared. You never were quite sure how he was able to do that.
You sighed and looked at the floor. "Are you okay, Mettaton?" You looked up at him.
"I'm fine. Don't worry, Y/N. It's alright." Mettaton sighed. "I think I know where he's coming from. I've seen Alphys get like that, too. Well, kind of." He put a hand on your head, ruffling your hair.
"Maybe it's time we go back to my house,"  you said, walking over to the steps.
"That sounds like a good idea," Mettaton nodded in agreement.
It was a quiet walk back to your house, but then again, it wasn't a long one. Your house was only a few blocks away. As you made it there, you opened the door and locked it when you were both inside.
Mettaton took his boots off again. God, you would never get used to that. He gave you a peck on the cheek while you weren't paying attention. You just smiled at him as you walked into your house, blushing.
Are you ready for the lemon next chapter~? Like I said, if you don't want to read it, it's not required for the plot. Don't expect that tonight, though, unless I have some time. Have a good rest of the day!

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