Part 4!

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I've been really wanting to put lemon in this story but I honestly can't bring myself to do it because I promised no lemon and I can't write smut all. Also since this is a gender neutral story...yeah, this won't work, please ignore me.
Anyway, onto the story!
You turned of the computer and groaned. "And now there's nothing to do..." You yawned. You didn't mind that you got to stick around with Mettaton for a while, but when there was nothing to do it seemed like that didn't matter at all.
You left the disk in the player, remembering that it had been in there before.
Yawning again, you got up from the office chair. It'd been somewhat of a long day. You completely forgot Mettaton was right behind you and you slammed right into him.
Ouch. Well, running into a big metal robot is never going to be a soft impact, that was for sure.
"Uuuuuuugh...that hurt...sorry, I forgot you were there...stupid clumsiness..." You casually sat back down in the chair. You had a headache now. You knew you weren't doing that again anytime soon.
"Oh, darling! Are you okay?" You spun the chair to face Mettaton. He kneeled down to your height.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It was my fault, anyway." You laughed. "Besides, it only felt lke walking into a metal pole..." You forced a smile. "But, a lot worse," you mumbled. You put your hand on your head. That hurt a lot more than you thought it would!
"Are you sure you're okay?" Mettaton seemed to be showing genuine concern. You didn't even know how that felt for him. Did that hurt him as much as it hurt you? Actually no, that was dumb. Was Mettaton even capable of feeling physical pain?
"I'm fine." You stood up shakily. It was probably the shock that was making you so wobbly anyway-you definitely didn't expect to run into a killer robot like that. And definitely not today.
Mettaton stood up and helped you regain balance. "Are you sure you're okay, darling? You're a little shaky," you were honestly surprised Mettaton was concerned about you and you got a little red.
"I'm alright...I wasn't expecting that, and I'm just having a bit of shock, you know?" You scratched your head. "You shouldn't worry about me..." You glanced at a couch across the room. It seemed new. You didn't remember Alphys having a couch before...and how did you not notice it was there until now, two hours into your stay? Whatever, it was still there. You sat down. You felt really dizzy-that headache was really getting to you. But you dismissed it-you didn't want it to get in the way.
Mettaton sat down next to you. "Hey, so, we don't really talk much, huh? What are you always doing, anyway? You seem to be really busy all the time," you shrugged, turning to face him. It wasn't a lie-you pretty much never knew what he was doing.
"Hmm...well, I'm often doing idol business, of course! Planning for my next episode, making sure everything is in order in my resort, saying hello to my fans~" Mettaton explained, flipping his hair casually, and seemingly instinctively. "And of course, I'm always trying to make time for my friends, but I'm often very busy! In fact, if I did not have to stay here, I'd be trying to get things done! Being in show business makes me very busy, you know!"
"Huh...that's a lot you've got to deal with there, huh? I never have that much of a packed schedule...I consider myself lucky to have something to do right now," you shrugged. It wasn't a lie-you spent most of your time on Undernet, sending Alphys pictures of a certain frog that was very popular on the surface. You also liked to talk with Papyrus and Undyne sometimes, since you seemed to run into them the least while you were up and around the Underground.
"Well, darling, you have a lot of friends here in the underground! You can always go to them! And of course, you can come to me as well! When I have time, at least~" Mettaton smiled and gave you a pat on the back. This made you smile-he was giving you ideas for things you could do throughout the day-why hadn't you ever really thought about it? Well, you knew most of your friends usually had things going on, but you knew Napstablook almost always had time, and it was always nice to cheer them up...
"O-oh, thank you! Most of my friends are usually busy, but... Yeah! Thanks for the tip!" You smiled brightly. This was great! And maybe you would bring yourself to approach Mettaton sometimes when you saw him in public-well, as long as he wasn't busy.
Suddenly, he put his arm around you and pulled you close. Your face got super hot. "No problem, darling!" He exclaimed. "Oh, are you alright? You feel really hot!" He said quickly. Was he capable of feeling heat?
"I-I'm fine, I assure you!"
Yay I'm finally done! So...does Mettaton like you? Who knows! You'll see next time!
Also I apologize for the Rare Pepe reference I dropped in there, couldn't help myself. Knowing Alphys is anime trash, I feel like she'd think that memes are the funniest things on the planet, and so she is always asking for you to send her memes because they make her laugh so much...

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