Part 6.5!

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I wasn't just gonna wait to post the next part, did you think I'd really do that?
I hope you guys are ready, things are gonna get pretty weird! Everything gets weird with Flowey, doesn't it?
Also, short chapter this time! Sorry! There won't be any more short chapters in the future, I swear!
Your eyes opened in a flash. Pinching yourself, you found out. You were dreaming no more. That wasn't real, right? You felt around.
Mettaton wasn't there.
It was strangely dark. All the lights in the lab were off, which wasn't normal. Your vision was a little blurry and you couldn't see what was going on.
"Mettaton?" You called. There was no response. Maybe Alphys showed up, and he left. He could be trying to keep the relationship a secret, so he left you for that reason.
"Alphys?" You called out, assuming Alphys was there now. No response. What the hell was going on? You continued to call the names of your friends. Nobody seemed to be there.
Your vision cleared. It was hard to see in the dark, but you could faintly see that there were vines everywhere. And that meant everywhere, and I mean everywhere.
"What the hell?" You swore, standing up. You started to walk. You were confused and in the dark. You felt roots covering the floor. You held out your hands as a guide, running into the vines occasionally. The vines had thorns, but there wasn't a lot. Even so, they were pretty painful when you accidentally touched one.
Eventually, you found the escalator that lead to the upper floor of the lab- but it wasn't moving. The vines had stopped it. You climbed up the escalator by walking up the unmoving steps. You were careful as you did so, not wanting to fall down. You eventually made it to the saw a little bit of light in the center of the walked towards it.
When you made it there...
You nearly screamed, putting your hand over your mouth in shock.
"A-Alphys? M-Mettaton? Are y-you oka-" you were cut off by a little yellow flower appearing from the ground. "Y-You!" You pointed at the flower, then looked back up.
Alphys and Mettaton were wrapped in vines, and it seemed like they couldn't move. It looked painful, and Alphys had an especially pained look on her face.
"I-I'm okay, Y/N...I think." Alphys forced a smile. "F-Flower...I knew th-this was your doing..." Alphys muttered.
Flowey ignored Alphys. "Oh, Y/N! How nice of you to join us!" The flower smiled at you. "Like the display? I made it myself!"
"D-Darling, don't worry, I'll be okay, too, just try and get us out of here..." Mettaton responded to you in a pained tone.
Flowey ignored the speaking once more. "I told you I was done with your clichés, didn't I?" Flowey smiled at you. You were shaking. Flowey could tell. "Don't worry! I'll release them! Only as long as you gain some LOVE, Y/N!" Flowey's expression shifted maliciously.
You knew what LOVE was. Sans had told you a while ago. Level Of Violence.
"No! I'd never! I won't hurt any of these monsters, not for your silly games!" You exclaimed loudly at the little plant. "Just l-leave my friends alone!" You clenched your fists in an attempt to stop shaking.
"How cliché. I hate clichés. I'm just trying to make this more entertaining. Why won't you play along?" Flowey got a disinterested look on his face. "Do you even understand what's going on here? Do you, Y/N? They'll be in pain for as long as it takes for you to gain LOVE." Flowey frowned. "Why won't you just play ALONG?" You felt thorny vines growing around your ankles, your wrists. You were soon unable to move. "I wouldn't have to do this if had you just played along with this game in the first place, Y/N. Why are you making things so difficult?"

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