Part 8!

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It's almost Thanksgiving! Only three more days omg! I can't wait to eat a TON of food! I just hope I don't get sick...
You and Mettaton began helping out with cleaning up. You were working alongside each other.
"Hey, did you guys drive Flowey out anyway?" You asked while everyone was around hear.
"W-Well-" Alphys started to speak but was soon interrupted.
"i showed up." Sans shrugged as he walked past.
"Yeah, pretty much..." Alphys shrugged.
"Uh, how did you know to show up?" You asked. You still weren't really sure how Sans' magic worked.
"i knew something was up." He explained, but it really wasn't explaining anything.
"Oh." That's all you could say. However, talking to Sans was keeping you from paying attention to what you were doing, and you tripped over a vine on the floor. But before you could collide with the ground, Mettaton caught you by the shirt and pulled you up to him.
"Be careful, darling! I don't want you getting hurt, now~" He explained while still holding you up against him. You felt yourself blush a little.
"Y-Yeah, I'll be more careful next time!" You exclaimed, waiting for him to let go. You glanced at Sans as he walked past-you could've sworn you saw his eye flash blue for a split second.
Mettaton released his hold on you, but he didn't let go of your hand. "I'm sure you won't fall now, darling~" He gave you a casual smile and the two of you continued cleaning.
With everyone's help, the lab was cleaned and fixed up within a few hours. However, now you were especially tired-it had really been a super long day. You were prepared to pass out. You probably would've if Mettaton wasn't constantly snapping you back to life when you began spacing out.
"I think I'm gonna go home," you said with a yawn. "It's been a long day...I'm super tired..." You said with tiredness in your voice.
"That's a good idea, Y/N," Alphys nodded at you, smiling. "I'd be beat, too, if I had as crazy of a day as you did. Well, I did, kind of. I don't know. Anyway, you should really go." She seemed to be reading your expressions. "You look like you could pass out right now."
"I could," you said. "Anyway, bye, everyone..." You waved and began walking towards the door to the lab.
You were stopped by Mettaton tugging on your shirt, just like he had earlier-but you weren't about to smack your face against the floor this time.
"Y/N, you're not going alone!" Mettaton quickly turned you around to face him. "I don't want you falling asleep before you even get home, darling! I'll go with you." He explained before taking your hand and opening the door.
"Oh, alright..." You shrugged, and the two of you walked out into Hotland. "I, uh, live by your resort," you explained.
"Hm, okay. Shall we take the elevator, darling?" Mettaton asked as you walked towards it.
"Yeah..." You felt your words trailing off. You were fighting to stay awake. You could hardly even remember the trip to your house very well-it was pretty blurry.
"Is this it?" Mettaton asked. You were standing right next to your front door.
"Huh?" You somewhat came back to life. "O-oh, yeah," you fumbled to get your key and put it in the slot, opening the door. "Thanks for helping me out getting home..." You yawned again as you walked inside. Mettaton came behind you. "Eh? You don't have to stay here," you said as you took your shoes off.
"I know, but I want to stay with you. I don't want you having any more bad dreams, darling! That wouldn't be good at all, would it?" He made a concerned expression. Much to your surprise, he took his pink heels off-you weren't even aware that they came off. He was shorter now, but still taller than you.
"Oh, okay..." You walked through the main room into your bedroom. "Wait, so...where are you gonna slee...p..." You knew there wasn't anywhere else to lie down in your room other than your bed, especially not for a robot. You got a little pink, knowing he'd end up sleeping with you.
"Don't worry, darling, I don't bite~" he seemed to read your mind. You felt like he had almost planned this out-but he was your boyfriend, so you couldn't just say no...and you couldn't say it didn't make you happy to know you'd be sleeping right there next to him.
"Y-yeah, yeah, I know," you gave him a smile. You didn't bother to try and change into pajamas, you were too tired-you were only wearing sweats anyway, comfortable enough to sleep in in your opinion. You slipped under the covers of your bed. It was big enough for two people. Why did you have such a big bed anyway?
Mettaton got in the bed, too. He seemed to have somehow retracted his shoulder pads, something else you were unaware he could do. "Goodnight, darling," he whispered, moving the hair away from your forehead and giving you a small kiss. You smiled and blushed a little.
"Goodnight, Mettaton," you whispered back, closing your eyes and almost immediately falling asleep. However you had been conscious for long enough to realize that Mettaton was running his fingers through your hair again.
You didn't have any more bad dreams that night.
So glad this chapter is out and done! It took me a while, I'm not really sure why, though. It's making me sleepy, though, that's for sure!

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