Part 14!

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I should've gotten this out earlier, I'm so sorry!
Finally, Sans was done with his lecture.
"and don't go trying that again, mettaton," He was staring a hole through Mettaton's head. "and you," He pointed at you. You started to sweat. "don't give into him," He pointed at Mettaton.
"Well, I think we've learned our lesson, haven't we, darling?" Mettaton stood up. You did as well.
"Yeah, definitely," you wipes sweat from your brow. Sans' lecture was still heavy in your mind.
"No telling him next time!" Mettaton smiled and you and took your hand.
"U-Uh-" You began.
"what was that? didn't quite catch it." Sans' eye flashed blue again.
"H-He said that we won't do it again!" You said quickly. "You might've heard something else but that's totally what he said!"
"...fine." Sans let you walk to the door.
"AWW, LEAVING SO SOON?" Papyrus walked out of the kitchen. He had only just finished washing the dishes. Maybe Sans' lecture was shorter than it felt.
"We have places to be," Mettaton explained. "See you around~" Mettaton waved as he opened the door and the two of you walked out.
"That was a nightmare," you sighed. "Why'd you do that?"
"Do what, darling?" He asked as you both stepped out into the snow.
"You basically shouted out, hey, me and Y/N did it yesterday!" You sighed. "I mean, I'd be fine with it if it was around anyone other than those two," you shrugged. "Especially Sans."
"Well, I did it because I like to boast about these things, y'know?" He smiled. "And I want everyone to know how much I love you~" He gave you a kiss on the forehead, making you blush. "But what about them is so different, darling?" He tilted his head.
"Well, I mean, I have a pretty tight relationship with them, y'know?" You shrugged a little. "I mean, Sans and Papyrus were the first monsters I met in the underground, and-" you paused. "They're like-my brothers, almost!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry darling, I should've known-" You looked up at him. He seemed almost...sad. Oh really hadn't meant to make him feel bad!
"No, no, it's not your fault-I never told you, I-" You stopped and sighed. "Look, it's okay. You didn't know and that's that. Don't worry about it, okay? And you were right when you said it-we're not gonna tell him next time." You winked at him as you put your arm around him. He smiled. It seemed to improve his mood. He put his arm around you.
"I love you~" He kissed your forehead.
"I love you too," you responded, blushing. The two of you walked into Waterfall to get back to Hotland.
"It's been such a long day," you yawned. "I'm ready to sleep." You could barely stand. You felt your eyes slowly closing.
"Oh, darling, please don't fall asleep on me now! We still have to get back to Hotland, don't we?" He explained, holding you so you didn't fall over.
"Yeah, yeah...." Your sentence trailed off. You were fighting consciousness. A few times, you nearly tripped.
"Maybe Hotland is...a little far...How can we get there quicker?" He asked, tapping his finger on his chin.
"We should go back and ask Sans to let us use one of his shortcuts, haha..." You joked. Tiredness was in your voice. You were about to pass out.
"Snowdin is still pretty far back, though. We're well into Waterfall..." Mettaton was lost in thought but he quickly noticed that you had fallen asleep despite the fact that you were walking. Before you fell over, he picked you up and carried you bridal style. "Hm...oh, I should just bring them to my house. I'm sure they won't mind." He sighed and smiled at you. "I hope you sleep well." He said to you, despite you being asleep.
Mettaton's house wasn't far from where you fell asleep, so he wasn't venturing for long before he was at his house.
"is someone there........oh........hi........mettaton....." Napstablook ghosted outside. "are they.......asleep..." They gestured to you in his arms.
"Hello, Blooky!" He smiled. "Yes, they fell asleep. We were gonna go back to their house, but it's in Hotland, so I decided we'd just sleep at my house. I do hope you don't mind, darling,"
"oh, no....i don't really care.....i'm glad you're here, can be nice sometimes.............i made some new mixes, too............" Napstablook explained. "maybe you should get them to a bed........probably"
"Oh, yes, I will!" Mettaton said quickly. "I'll be right back, Blooky!" Mettaton went inside of his house and laid you down on the bed, but not before taking your shoes off. Before he left to go back outside to Napstablook, he planted a kiss on your forehead. "Sleep well, darling," he whispered before leaving the house.
and there's the end of this chapter. I have another book up where I dump all my art and other stuff, if you're interested in checking that out. I really don't know what else is gonna be in it, but it'll probably just be random. hope to see you next time!

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