Part 13!

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I fixed the italics. I don't even know why they were being weird like that...
Anyways, I hope you're prepared for this dinner with Papyrus and may not go as planned.
You glanced at the table. There were four plates of spaghetti. You didn't know if anyone other than you even had to eat. You just hoped it was edible.
"Thank you guys for, uh, inviting us over!" You exclaimed with a smile as you headed towards the table. "I appreciate it..."
"THANK YOU FOR COMING! I WAS WORRIED YOU WOULD NOT SHOW UP, AS YOU DIDN'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE!" Papyrus shouted. Sans was already sitting at the table. You sat down across from him.
"Oh, yeah? Did Sans not tell you that he saw us in Hotland and told us...?" Mettaton sat down next to you as you questioned Papyrus.
"Aw, I wouldn't want to miss out on spending time with you, Papyrus! I'm sure Mettaton is glad to be here, too! Right, Mettaton?" You smiled and turned to Mettaton. Papyrus sat down in the remaining vacant chair.
"Of course, darling! It's always fun to be with my friends!" Mettaton smiled. You weren't sure if he was purposely avoiding eye contact with Sans or if it was just your imagination. You'd soon find out it was the latter.
"still confused as to why you didn't pick up the phone, though. fill me in. what were you doing that kept you from your phone?" Sans was clearly onto you. You couldn't just say outright what was going on, especially with the encounter from the day before.
"I can tell you exactly what I was doing, Sans," you glanced and noticed that Mettaton was about to point at you. This caused your face to go a little red. You quickly stopped his hand from moving any further to where Sans could see.
"D-Didn't I tell you earlier? I fell asleep," you said quickly. "I'm really not sure what Mettaton was doing, but he wouldn't go and answer my, I hope not," you hoped that you were being convincing enough.
"Well, I certainly wouldn't use 'sleeping' as a description for what was going on~" Mettaton winked. You facepalmed. This was already going horribly and you hadn't even taken a bite of food yet.
"what's that supposed to mean?" You swore you saw Sans' eye flash again.
"Mettaton's just joking! Haha!" You laughed nervously. At this rate, Mettaton would just flat out say exactly what you were doing when Papyrus had called and you would never hear the end of it-you heard Sans lecturing you already. You could almost hear Papyrus, even. To avoid any further conversation you took a bite out of the plate of spaghetti. Sans looked at you, surprised. He could probably already tell that you were nervous and awkward just from that action.
"Joking? I wouldn't joke about how much fun it was-" Mettaton answered, laughing a little himself. You were dying inside. You hid half of your face in your sweater in embarrassment.
This was a mess.
"how much fun what was? didn't catch that." You heard the anger in Sans' tone.
Suddenly, Papyrus cut in. He clearly understood the situation. "SO! HOW ARE YOU ALL LIKING MY MASTER COOKING?" He exclaimed. He was trying to change the topic. After thinking it over, you hadn't even thought of how the pasta tasted. You were too busy focusing on Sans and Mettaton to notice the taste of the spaghetti. But you didn't choke, so...
"It's really good...!" You were almost hesitant to say it, but you weren't exactly lying. You didn't cringe while trying to get it down, and for Papyrus that counted as 'really good'.
Papyrus' face lit up. "I AM SO GLAD, THAT I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WAS GIVEN A COMPLIMENT BY YOU, HUMAN!" It seemed like his biggest wish had come true. "I WILL GET YOU MORE SPAGHETTI!" He exclaimed before leaving the room.
The instant Papyrus left Sans was at Mettaton's throat again.
"so, what were you saying? what was so much fun that it kept you from picking up the phone?" Sans was trying to keep his cool but you heard the anger in his tone.
"Maybe we stop talking about this!" You exclaimed. You didn't want Sans freaking out again and you were surprised that Mettaton was not quitting with his suggestive comments. They both ignored you. You groaned angrily.
"Well, you know~ we did a little, how do I put this..." You felt like screaming. You quickly ate more spaghetti. Mettaton stopped for a while. He didn't say anything, but he did a particular suggestive hand motion that made you slam your head against the table and made Sans snap. He threw Mettaton against the wall with his magic right before Papyrus walked in with another plate of spaghetti for you, although you'd only taken two bites out of your first plate.
"WHAT'S GOING ON?" Papyrus exclaimed as he sat back down. "WHY ISN'T METTATON STILL AT THE TABLE? Y/N, YOU LOOK SICK! YOUR FACE IS ALL RED!" He pointed out.
What a mess.
You just looked away and tried to cover your face.
"there's a good reason for that, paps," Sans had an angry expression on his face. "i think we're done eating, could you wash the dishes?" You could tell that he was just trying to get Papyrus out of the scene.
"OH! YES, I WILL DO THAT!" Papyrus took all the plates that were all practically full of spaghetti and took them to the kitchen.
Sans chuckled. "didn't i tell you no funny business?" He stood up and walked up to Mettaton. "and you think it's alright to pull something like that? buddy." He snapped his fingers and now you and Mettaton were sitting at the couch. Yep, you weren't getting out of the lecture, that's for sure. Your face was still red.
Sans gave you a lecture for what felt like hours, and whenever you tried to say anything to him he interrupted and kept talking about how irresponsible you were for trying something like that. He wasn't as mad at you as he was at Mettaton, though-that was obvious. You could've sworn there were times where Sans looked like he could kill the guy. But that didn't mean he wasn't mad at you. He was still angry with you, too for going through with it.
This was such a mess.
And done! I hope you guys enjoyed Mettaton's suggestive comments at the dinner table. Why did he say anything at all? The world may never know...well, it'll probably be explained in the next chapter. See you all soon! ♥︎

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