Part 9!

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I've been waiting to write this! I've been busy this week though...anywho, here it is!
Don't expect an update tomorrow-it is Thanksgiving, after all!
You slowly opened your eyes, yawning as you woke up. How long had you slept? It felt like an eternity. You groaned and turned your body to see Mettaton right next to you. He seemed to have woken up before you did. You were startled for a moment, but quickly calmed down.
"A-ah, good morning, Mettaton," you said tiredly as you sat up.
"Good morning, darling~" he responded with a smile as he sat up next to you. "Did you sleep alright?" He tilted his head.
You were on the side of the bed that was right against the wall. You turned and leaned against the wall and nodded at Mettaton. "I slept fine. No dreams or anything..." You rubbed your eyes. You were still tired, but you were starting to wake up.
"Well, that's good, isn't it?" He smiled at you. He seemed completely awake. Well, he was a robot-things probably worked differently. "You're still a little tired, huh Y/N?" He asked.
You weren't sure why he asked the question, but you nodded yes anyway. Why would you lie?
"Well, I'm sure there's an easy fix to that," he grinned, getting practically on top of you, and kissing you softly. Well, he wasn't wrong-that surely woke you up. It also left you with a blushing red face. He kept you in the kiss for a while(you weren't really counting the seconds; what's the point of that?) before releasing.
"Y-You d-didn't really have to climb on top of me for that," You explained. He still hadn't gotten off of you. "H-Hey, Mettaton-"
"What is it, darling?" He asked, smiling gently. Although he had given such a calm smile, there was something about the look on hus fave that struck you as...seductive...? You could practically read his thoughts, but...
"H-Hey, I think I know what you're heavily implying, but..." You felt your face get redder. You hadn't meant for that, but it didn't matter. "N-Not right now? Please? I haven't even eaten yet...or even gotten out of bed..." You weren't joking. You were still in your pajamas. "L-Later, okay?"
He sighed and lost the look, giving you a casual smile. "Alright darling, I understand," he nodded and got off of you, and winked. You breathed a sigh of relief. But you were unsure if you were prepared for what "later" was going to be. You didn't ponder on it.
So you got out of bed and got real clothes on. Mettaton didn't really have to change, all he had to do was put his boots on. You took some leftover snacks from days before for breakfast, and you were ready for the day.
"So, Mettaton, what do you want to do today?" You asked as you left your house. "O-Other than that other thing, I mean!" You said quickly, blushing a little.
"Hmm..." He seemed to be thinking it over. This was a longer process than you imagined. "Ooh! I know! I should introduce you on my show! I wouldn't want to keep this relationship a secret from everyone else!" He exclaimed as he took your hand into his.
You started sweating. "O-Oh, is that so?" You didn't really like being the center of attention, or being on TV in general. You supposed you'd have to endure it.
Mettaton could tell you were nervous. "Don't worry, darling! It won't be a very long broadcast, and you wont have to say too much, if anything at all!" He smiled and looked into your eyes. "Please don't worry!"
You were slightly reassured, but not completely. "U-Um, what if y-your fans hate me, though? What'll I do then?" You felt your palms sweating. You were still super nervous.
"Huh, if that happens..." Mettaton paused for a moment. "I'll deal with it." His voice got dark and off-putting, and it made you a little scared. "But, I'm sure they'll love you almost as much as I do, darling!" His voice shifted to normal.
You breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed like things would be okay...
You were now approaching the resort. How did you get there? You at home a moment ago, weren't you...?
Mettaton took you to his recording studio. You weren't even exactly sure where it was-it was hidden somewhere and you were surprised Mettaton even remembered where it was.
And so, the broadcast began.
"Hello beauties and gentlebeauties~" Mettaton exclaimed, smiling at the camera and striking a pose. "Today we have a shorter broadcast than usual, but that doesn't mean it's not important!" He exclaimed, now standing normally. "To be blunt, I have found someone whom I love very much, and I wanted all my wonderful viewers to meet them~" He motioned for you to come into the view of the camera. "Say hello to Y/N, my (girlfriend/boyfriend/etc.)!"
You waved a little at the screen. You felt yourself blushing a little.
"Well, I'm not exactly sure where I was going with this, but I really wanted all of you to meet them!" Mettaton exclaimed. "Well, I know this was a very short broadcast, but I'll see you around, darlings!" He waved to the camera and kissed you on the cheek, and you blushed harder. The broadcast ended.
"Th-That was only, like, a minute or two," you explained.
"I did say it was going to be short, didn't I?" He ruffled your hair.
"O-Oh, I suppose so..." You blushed as Mettaton guided you back out to the hotel. How did he even navigate so easily?
You noticed people looking at you, but not in anger or jealousy-you could've sworn you heard someone say 'how cute!' as you walked by.
You smiled in some sort of embarrassment-but you were really just super happy. You held Mettaton's hand tightly as you exited the resort. You were about to step down the stairs to go back out to Hotland, but you were stopped by a familiar face stomping up the steps...
Finally done! This is really important so please read! I know that it is implied that there may be some lemony acts in your future and that MIGHT be a thing that will happen BUT it depends on what you guys think. I don't want to do a lemon part in this story if you guys don't want me to. I also want to know the gender of the majority of my readers because...well, if I'm doing a lemon...yeah.
Anyway, leave feedback in the comments! I hope all of you have a good Thanksgiving!

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