Part 7!

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You guys are in for a pretty crazy chapter, I think. I hope you're enjoying this story-I'm trying to update as often as I can because I don't like to lose my train of thought! Are you ready? I sure am!
"I wouldn't have to do this if you had just played along with this game in the first place, Y/N. Why are you making things so difficult?"
Flowey's words were ringing in your head. You couldn't hear anything else. You couldn't move. The vines were holding you in place. They were extremely painful, thorns poking at your skin from everywhere.
"Stop, I c-can't move...Let me go..." You said painfully. You struggled to get free but the vines only got tighter and more painful. You felt something coming around your neck.
"You know, if you were to play along, I wouldn't have to do this, Y/N. I can't believe you're so stupid!" Flowey said angrily, but had a hint of malice in his voice. A vine wrapped around your neck-it made it hard to breathe.
"S-Stop, I c-can't...breathe..." You said between breaths. You tried to rip the vine from your neck, but you were held back by the bonds on your wrists. "F-Flowey...why are you...d-doing this..."
"Didn't I tell you? I did it because I HATE clichés, and you're the most cliché person I've ever met!" Flowey yelled. You could barely breathe at this point. "I'm adding something interesting for you..." Flowey seemed to calm down, but he still had malice in his voice. "Did I ever tell you?"
Before Flowey said any more, you looked at Mettaton, and he looked...scared. He was looking at you. 'I'm sorry,' you mouthed to him.
"In this world..." You could barely hear Flowey at this point. Your vision was blurring.
A tear slipped down your face. You couldn't express how sorry you were.
"...It's kill..."
You glanced at Mettaton again. You heard a loud click from his direction.
"...Or BE killed."
You saw a flash of light. You heard a lot of commotion, but you couldn't make out any voices. The vines holding you down retracted, and you fell to the floor, immediately passing out.

Dark room again. You couldn't see, but you heard a muffled voice. Your chest had the same glowing heart again. "I've got..." You could make out a few words. "...The six..." The voice continued. "...HUMAN SOULS!" The last words were screamed into your ears. An image flashed before your eyes. A monster. Plant couldn't forget the image. It was etched into your mind.

Your eyes opened suddenly. You sat up quickly and grabbed both sides of your head, screaming. What the hell WAS that?
"Darling! Are you okay?" You heard Mettaton's voice, and felt his hand on your back. You were crying. You looked and him and, instinctively, hugged him.
"I'm so sorry, it was such a horrible dream, I didn't know what to do, the flower wasn't letting you go and I didn't know what to do and, it was such a terrible dream, I'm so sorry," you spoke so fast that you doubted Mettaton even knew what you said. He started brushing through your hair once again.
"It's alright, darling. It's alright now." Mettaton said calmly, wiping the tears from your face. "Can you tell me what happened, but slower?"
You took a breath and calmed down. "Y-Yeah, I think so," you started. "S-So, there was this flower I've never seen before, and he kept saying he was sick of my clichés...and then I was on the couch in the lab, but the lights were off and there were vines everywhere...I went upstairs and you and Alphys were trapped in vines and I couldn't do a thing, and the flower was telling me to kill monsters but I refused and then I was trapped and there was a flash and I don't know what happened..." You explained.
"Oh, darling, that..." Mettaton had a worried tone in his voice. "That second part you talked about...that wasn't a dream, darling."
"Wh-what?" For the first time since waking up, you looked around. You were still in the lab, and the lights were on. It was a mess. Vines littered the floor, and Sans, Alphys, Undyne, and Papyrus were all cleaning up. "Oh god...I'm so sorry...This is my fault..."
Mettaton still stroked your hair. "Darling, don't worry. It's okay now. We dealt with Flowey," he explained reassuringly. "Well, that flash you saw was probably...I'll explain later."
"B-But I wasn't of use at all even though I caused it...I feel terrible..." Suddenly, you saw Alphys stop cleaning as she approached you.
"Hey, you're awake," she gave you a smile. "Are you okay?"
"I-I'm alright..." You reassured, smiling back.
"S-So, I have a question. D-Did you...Uh, have another dream? After you passed out, I mean?" It was a weird question, you thought, but you didn't want to not supply an answer.
"Y-Yeah, I did." You were still shaking a little, but Mettaton was calming you down.
"Do you remember what happened in it? It's not really THAT important right now, but I feel like it may be later..." She continued.
"Uh, I don't remember much, but..." You began. "So, I heard a voice...It was really quiet but I think it might've been, uh, Flowey. At first it was quiet, and he said something like, 'I've got the six', and then 'human souls' was screamed into my ears and an image flashed and I can't forget it. It's hard to explain but I guess I could say it was like...Flowey,, or something." You finished.
"O-Oh...That might be a problem...Thank you," Alphys smiled and went back to cleaning.
"What does that mean?" You asked. "Oh this gonna be a big problem?" You asked, looking at Mettaton worriedly.
"No, no, don't worry, darling! I'm sure it'll be okay, don't worry! Even if it is, It's not your fault, alright?" Mettaton answered.
"Okay, if you say so..." You turned and looked at the mess in the lab. "Maybe we should help out...I feel bad not doing anything..." You could see that Sans was using his magic, but even he wasn't able to do much. Papyrus and Undyne were seeing who could get more vines out of the way quicker with huge brooms.
"Yeah, maybe we should," Mettaton responded. "But only if we're working together," Mettaton answered before kissing you on the cheek.
Oh man this is probably one of the longer chapters x.x This took longer than I expected omg! Well, Flowey has been dealt with...Hopefully? Well, lets hope Asgore is keeping watch over those six human souls, right?

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