Part 2!

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Sorry this is being posted not along my usual schedule! It's a busy week for me!
You were walking away from MTT Resort when you recalled the conversation you had with Burgerpants before you had left. You had dismissed it and hadn't really cared at the time, but now it was stuck in your head and you couldn't get it to leave...
"Ugh, I hate him so much. He gets on my nerves." Burgerpants muttered quiet enough so Mettaton wouldn't hear.
You were getting your things together. "I don't know, he's really not that bad..." You shrugged. You could tell you were blushing slightly but ignored it.
Burgerpants peered at you. "Oh no...Don't tell me...You like him?" But you were already out the door and ignoring him. "Can't ever be too careful with that guy! Good luck!" You heard him yell at you but you ignored it.
Oh no...that's when it hit you...Burgerpants might tell Mettaton...and if it was so obvious, did Mettaton already know? You were internally screaming. While you thought to yourself, you smacked right into someone, sending you tumbling to the floor. When you looked up, you saw Alphys.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention?" Alphys exclaimed as you stood up, regaining balance. She looked really worried and helped stabilize you when you almost fell over after standing up.
"Oh, it's alright!" You reassured. "I wasn't paying attention either...I was kind of in my own world..." You brushed yourself off. "Anyway, you're out of your lab, so what are you doing?"
"I'm looking for Mettaton! He was supposed to come to my lab an hour ago for minor repairs...I shouldn't have trusted hiiiim," Alphys groaned. "Anyway, I really gotta go...his resort is where I'm guessing he is..."
"Oh, wait! I could help you find him!" You said quickly. "I just saw him a few minutes ago-he ran off, but I'm sure he's still somewhere in the resort!" You exclaimed, slamming your fist into your palm.
"O-Oh man! Thank you Y/N, you're the best!" Alphys smiled and started going towards the resort. "Let's go!"
You quickly followed after her. She was going pretty fast...You two finally made it to MTT resort. You opened the door, and surprisingly, he was right in front of the now opened doors and he was easily found, thank goodness. You wouldn't have to do any more running around...
"Mettaton!" Alphys sounded somewhat angry and very determined. "You were supposed to be at the lab an hour ago! Y-You were the one who asked for the improvements, and yet you still forgot-" Alphys seemed really upset, but she quickly calmed herself down.
"Oh, Alphys, I'm sorry!" He turned around. "I didn't mean to forget! Let's just go right now and get it done-" he glanced at you and gave a little wave. "And, hello again, Y/N!"
"You're right, let's go! Right now! I really want to get this thing done!" Alphys exclaimed. "Also, if you don't mind, Y/N's gonna be helping me out..."
You didn't recall volunteering to help, but it was alright. It'd be cool to be around Mettaton...
"Oh, I don't mind at all! Let's just go, alright?" Mettaton seemed urgent and rushed...what was the minor fix, anyway?
And so, the three of you headed to Alphys' lab.
When you got there, Alphys explained what she was going to do as the three of you went up to Alphys' workbench.
"Oh, I forgot to remind you, I'm gonna have to shut you down while I'm doing this. It's for, uh, s-safety reasons," Alphys explained as you got up to the top.
"Oh, alright..." He seemed somewhat upset about it. Well, you felt like you would be too, if you had to be 'dead' for a while.
Alphys turned him off. It was really fast and simple. Simpler than you thought it'd be. She quickly started doing the minor fix, but to you it seemed like a super major fix. You weren't an inventor like she was and everything she did was like a foreign language.
After a few minutes, you finally got enough courage to ask her the question that had been burning in your head. "So, uh, what is the fix you're doing, anyway?"
"Well, Mettaton told me that he'd been shutting down unexpectedly and it was becoming a burden..." She began. "He'd been desperate for me to fix it. He wouldn't stop bothering me until I agreed to help him out, and I didn't think it was safe for him to be shutting down constantly, so I issued a time and day to fix it..." She glanced at the clock. "That time was an hour ago, today..." She seemed to realize something while looking at the clock. She stopped working on Mettaton for a minute. "Oh no."
"What happened?" You asked. It didn't sound like anything good.
"I'll tell you when I'm done, but I'm really gonna need to pick up the pace-" From the looks of it, Alphys was already almost done, despite only working for about fifteen minutes.
Only moments later, she announced that she had finished. "Okay, I, uh, have a problem and I need you to help." She said quickly. "And I, like, really need you to do this. Please?" She asked.
"Yeah, of course! I don't really have anything going on, so what is it?" You asked, tilting your head at Alphys.
"Oh god, uh, so, not knowing I would've been an hour late to do this, I scheduled to meet Undyne today...and I need to meet her in fifteen minutes." She paused and took a breath. "But I can't have Mettaton here alone and I can't be here when he's gonna reboot and turn back on, but I have to be here for it because I can't have him leaving until an hour after he turns on, so could you stay here and watch him until I get back? He should turn on in about a half an hour. I don't know how long I'll be gone, so if you end up stuck with him for an hour I'm sorry-"
"Oh, I can do that! It's fine, I understand! You can leave, I'll just hang here," you explained with a smile.
"Oh man, thank you Y/N! You're seriously the best, I'll repay you some day, I swear!" She said quickly as she started gathering her things. Both you and her went down to the door. "I'll see you later, Y/N! I'm trusting you!" She said as she left the lab.
You sighed. You hadn't been in her lab much. You sat down at the chair she had near her cluttered desk and glanced at the DVD's she had stacked next to her computer. You read off some of the names...Spirited Away...Soul Eater...Mew Mew Kissy Cutie... You quickly realized that it was all anime, and you recognized almost all of it. You shrugged and looked at the computer. There seemed to be a slot for a released whatever was already in there-it was the disk for Spirited Away. You remembered loving the movie and put it back in to watch it.
You were watching the movie for quite some time when you heard something click in Alphys' work area. You went to check it out...
Mettaton had turned back on.
So glad I'm done! This took a while and it's kind of a longer chapter
(=ω) I really hope you enjoyed it! I'll see you in the next part!

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