Part 11!

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WARNING! This chapter is mainly lemon. It probably won't be very long. It does NOT have any affect on the plot(though it may be mentioned later that this is a thing that happened)so you really don't have to read this part if you don't like lemon. Since the majority of my readers are female, this lemon will be female-based. That does not mean I will not go back to using neutral pronouns in chapters post to this one.
Sit back and enjoy~
I'm honestly surprised I have time to get this out tonight omg ( ' ▽ ' )ノ
I'm sorry if this ends up being less than expected I am not usually found writing lemon like this...
You walked casually into your house, Mettaton close behind you. You were still a little shaken up from earlier, but you were alright. You sat down on the couch in your living room. Mettaton sat next to you.
"Do you remember what you said earlier, darling?" Mettaton smiled at you. You turned your head towards him and tilted your head.
"No, I don't really remember...what did I say?" You asked, scratching your head.
"You said," Mettaton's smile turned into more of a smirk. "That we should do it later."
For a second, you were confused. What was he talking about?
But then, you remembered. Your face went red. Was he...being serious?
"Some would say now can be considered later, wouldn't you say?" Mettaton could tell you knew what he was talking about. You blushed hard.
"I-I s-suppose so, uh," you stuttered. You weren't sure how to react. "I-I mean, I don't know, a-are you su-" you were interrupted by a sudden and rough kiss from Mettaton. It surprised you, to say the least.
You didn't know robots even had tongues, but now you did. It was cold in your mouth. It was obvious to you now-you were making out with a robot. That was a first, for sure, but it wasn't bad. You were slightly upset when he pulled away. You couldn't deny that you had enjoyed that-Mettaton could already tell by the look on your face.
"I'm sure, darling," Mettaton winked and held his tounge out for a moment. He climbed on top of you, giving one of your breasts a gentle squeeze.
"W-Wait, why don't we go...somewhere more private...? Like, my room? Maybe the couch isn't the best place for this," you explained quickly.
"Anything that suits you, darling~" Mettaton smiled.
In no time you were in your room. You sat down on the bed-only to be practically tackled by Mettaton, who was now on top of you again. He slipped his hands under your shirt and cupped your breasts-both this time-which caused you to give out a little moan. You slipped off your shirt.
Mettaton smiled and kissed you roughly, and you made out again. When he pulled away, he glanced at your chest for a brief moment, and you unhooked the bra and slipped it off. He played with your soft breasts.
"A-Ah, M-Mettaton-" you spoke, and he smiled at you again. He could clearly tell that you were enjoying it.
"Is this something you like, darling?" He asked as he moved a strand of hair from your face.
"Y-Yeah-" you felt your face get red. You weren't exactly sure why you were blushing.
You felt Mettaton's hand slide down to your crotch area. He gently rubbed through the fabric of your pants. He stopped for a moment, glancing at you with a smile. You didn't necessarily know how this was going to work. He slipped off your pants, leaving you in just underwear. You looked at him in confusion. What was he attempting to do?
Your question was answered-a robotic dick seemed to come from his crotch area as he slid off your last piece of clothing. You blushed hard. You didn't know if it was because you were completely naked or if it was because of Mettaton's...yeah.
Without warning, he put it in. You moaned as he did so-it came as a surprise to you.
"I can tell you haven't done this before, Y/N..." Mettaton smirked and thrusted slightly.
You nodded. "Th-that kind of hurts, though," you explained, wincing slightly.
At this, he stopped and pulled out.
"I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to hurt you!" He seemed worried.
"Oh, i-it's okay, just, uh," you started to sweat. "M-Maybe we don't do th-that," you explained. He nodded, retracting the robotic dick back from wherever it came from, anyway. It started to raise questions in your mind, but you dismissed them.
Mettaton kissed you again. He seemed to know that you enjoyed it a lot. He slid his hand between your legs as you kissed, making you moan between the kiss.
The rest of the night seemed like a blur to you. It was hard to remember, but you knew it had been very...pleasurable.
You woke up in the morning with your underwear on, but you didn't have any clothes on other than that. The bed was a mess, and Mettaton was fast asleep next to you...
My italics stopped working !(◎_◎;)
I know this is probably less than you all were expecting and I'm I said, I'm not trained in lemon writing.
...Has anyone thought about how Sans will react if he finds out about this?

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