Part 3!

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Oh man this is a really late update I'm sorry! I broke my phone and I just got a new one today! I apologize...
You were up by the time Mettaton had sat himself upright. You stood there, not really knowing what to do. You weren't Alphys, so you had no clue how robots worked.
Suddenly, he turned towards you. He looked somewhat confused. "Oh, hello there, Y/N. Where's Alphys, darling?" The robot asked as gave you a dazzling smile. He stood up and stretched. You didn't even know robots had to do that.
"She said that she had to go somewhere with Undyne," you explained. "Since you were so late, your little fix ran into her other she left me here to, uh, monitor you," you finished with a sigh.
"Oh, well, thank you for explaining the situation to me, and thank you for being here! I would've been completely clueless as to what was going on!" Mettaton explained, walking towards you. "My, would you look at the time! I must go attend to some of my duties!" Mettaton began going back down the escalator. You quickly chased after him.
"Wait, you can't leave! Alphys told me that I have to keep you here until she gets back!" He was almost at the door. "She might get angry at me if I let you leave-" You didn't actually think Alphys would get mad, but you didn't want to upset her or let her down.
"Is that true?" Mettaton took a step back from you. You had been blocking the door, despite the fact that he could just push you out of the way. He then leaned in really close to your ear and whispered, "or are you just making things up so you can have an excuse to spend time with me?~"
Oh no. You thought he might think you were lying. And as believable as that might be to those who knew about your major crush on the robot(although Mettaton didn't know...or, you hoped he didn't) you really weren't lying. "No, that's not it at all!" You protested quickly. "I'm being serious! In fact, when Alphys comes back, you'll see that it's true!" You explained. You felt your face heating up-more from embarrassment than actual anger.
"Don't worry, darling! I believe you! I was only joking~" Mettaton laughed, standing up straight again. You breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, but do you know when Alphys is getting back? I do have places to be, you know."
"Uh, maybe in an hour. She didn't exactly specify..." You shrugged. "We might be here for a while." Moving away from your position between the door and Mettaton, you walked back towards the chair you had been sitting in earlier to continue the movie. You clicked the play button on the keyboard and the movie started up again.
It wasn't long before you realized that Mettaton was right behind you, watching the movie. You turned your head, glanced at him, then shrugged, looking back towards the screen.
"What movie is this, Y/N?" Mettaton asked.
"It's called Spirited Away. It's a movie that was made on the surface..." You explained. You began to wonder where Alphys even got all her anime. Did humans dispose things like that down here?
"Huh. Have you been looking through Alphy's stuff, Y/N?" Mettaton asked. It was a question that was completely off topic from the movie and you couldn't even analyze why he had asked it.
"If looking at what kind of anime and stuff she has counts as looking through her stuff, I guess so...but I wasn't doing any snooping or anything, I've been looking for something to watch while I'm waiting for Alphys to get back." You explained. You weren't looking through her stuff at all-you knew for certain you wouldn't do that. And you would especially never do it to Alphys, who was one of your best friends!
"Huh, alright." He rested his head on yours. Most people would probably get annoyed, but you didn't really care about it...his head was cold, and it felt nice in contrast to the hot and humid air of Hotland.
You both watched the movie for some time, until you paused it about an hour or so in. "I feel like this might be kind of boring, looking at a tiny screen watching a movie. Should we do something else?" You recommended, looking up at Mettaton, who was now standing upright and was no longer resting his head on yours.
"Whatever you want, darling! But Alphys will be here soon, will she not?" Mettaton asked, looking down at you.
"Huh, you're right. I did say about an hour, huh...?" You shrugged, when suddenly your phone rang. You picked it up... Alphys' voice came out the other side.
"O-Oh, hi, Y/N! So, uh, this whole hangout thing with Undyne went a little sideways-" You could head Undyne's muffled yells from the background. "So could you uh, hold the fort for a little while and keep an eye on Mettaton? I still don't want him leaving until I get back..."
"Oh, sure!" You kept listening and thought you heard glass breaking. "What's going on, anyway?"
"It's a long story!" Alphys said frantically. "Anyway, I'll see you soon! You're the best, Y/N!" She hung up.
"Alphys called," you sighed, spinning in the chair. "At least another hour..."
"Well, if we'll be together for a while, so why don't we finish the movie, darling~? I find myself enjoying it~" Mettaton exclaimed as you sighed.
"Sure, we can finish it, if you'd like..." You shrugged and clicked play.
The movie soon ended, and you found yourself left with nothing much to do...
Again, I'm so sorry for this late update! My phone breaking came as a surprise and I wasn't planning on it. Sorry!

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