Chapter 42: Forgiven?

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Hello everyone! I had a huge shopping trip for summer and I brought winter clothes, because England just doesn't get warm anymore xD I brought 3 new pairs of sunglasses though, cause last year on holiday all of my 3 sunglasses broke...the final pair being getting hit in the face with a volleyball haha XD Ouch!

Hope you're all enjoying your summers/ end of school where all you do is watch films xD I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Carrie soon had to leave, and I made sure she didn't forget her present.

"Give me a call anytime you want to hang out!" She pulled me into a hug. 

"You too!" 

It was another hour or two before Dan came home, I was on his iMac, editing the video with Carrie, so I didn't hear him when he came home. I jumped when Dan pushed the headphones onto my neck, and I turned around to see him wearing a fresh set of clothes. His hair was wet and curly, him not yet bothering to straighten it.

"Hey." I muttered, turning back to the computer screen. Dan sighed, collapsing on the bed. 

"I'm screwing this up, aren't I?" He sighed loudly. 

"Yup." I popped the 'p', agitated. 

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, and I turned around in my seat.

"Dan, how many times have you said sorry? How many times to you keep doing what you're doing? Sometimes 'sorry' can't fix everything." I put my headphones back on and turned around to the iMac. When I looked back to Dan he was curled up on the bed, sleeping, so I sent Carrie a text.

Dan said sorry, should I forgive him? It's not the first or second time hes done this- L

Hm I would just be there for him but if you're not happy with him make sure you tell him :) -C

I sighed, before returning to editing. The next time I looked at the clock it had turned to 4am, so I let the video upload to a private video so I could make it public when Carrie was ready. I turned around to see Dan zonked out, and decided that I was going to sleep on the sofa. I didn't see Jess and Phil having their issues, did I? No, it was only me and Dan, the dysfunctional couple with other people involved. 

I woke up to Phil prodding my arm. "Did you and Dan have another fight?"

I groaned. "Phil, go away." 

"Did you?"

"I don't know. Dan can't expect 'sorry' to make everything go away. He says it so much it doesn't hold any meaning anymore." I got up and went to the bathroom. After getting changed my phone buzzed. 

"Hello?" I picked up quickly without checking the caller i.d.

"Hey is this Lia?"

"It is."

"Hey, this is Zac, from Starbucks. Are you still interested in a job?"

"Yes, of course!" He booked me for an interview for an hour later and I got ready quickly before rushing down. 

The interview went awesome, and they gave me the job to start tomorrow! I had to tell them that I had previously booked a holiday which they were fine with and gave me the time off, but now I at least have an income. The guy who I was now working with wasn't too bad lookng either. I ordered a hot chocolate when I was done.

"So you're the girl I spoke to on the phone."

I smiled. "Yes, and who you'll be working with now."

"I'm glad- you look like you'll make work very interesting."

I felt my cheeks blush. "Thanks."

"Here's your hot chocolate. See you....?"

"Tomorrow, I start tomorrow."

Zac grinned. "Awesome. Bye then."

I smiled as I walked out of Starbucks, and then pulled out my phone to give Carrie a call to see if she wanted to meet up.

"Sure! I'm actually at my brothers at the moment, you can come round if you like."

"Sure! Want me to get you anything from Starbucks?"

"I'll be fine, thanks."

So I followed Carrie's instructions and found myself knocking on a door which a smiling Carrie opened.

"Hey! How are you doing? Is that a phone number on your cup?"

I turned my cup around, and then I noticed a number on the base of the cup. I took another sip. "Oh well if you look at that..."

"Looks like someone's attracting all the men around here." Carrie smirked before leading me into the living room, where she was playing with her guitar. 

"Oh wow, you play?"

"My family are musicians, it's in my genes."

"Jess plays the guitar too!"

"Awesome!" She played a few notes, and began to sing. It gave me chills. I heard footsteps behind me, and my jaw dropped. 

"Aren't you...?" Carrie Hope Fletcher. Fletcher! Yes, try not to freak out, Lia.

"Is my sister showing off again?" Tom Fletcher grinned and Carrie stopped playing to roll her eyes. 

"Meet Lia, she's Dan's girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you." He smiled and I smiled in return. 

"So how's it going with you and Dan?"

I sighed. "Slept on the couch last night."

"Dan's an idiot, Lia. You shouldn't let yourself be sad because of him."

"What did he do?" Tom sat down on the sofa, putting his feet up on the coffee table as he bit on an apple.

"Dan got a girl pregnant when we were on a break, and he refuses to talk about it, do anything about it...he just gets angry and freaks out over it." I sighed, looking for someone to help me. "This girl is a complete home-wrecker, she's tried to break us up multiple times and we don't even know if she's actually pregnant."

"Well it's Dan's choice if he wants to get involved or not, but he can't make you feel this way."

I nodded. "Considering I can't actually have my own kids, either."

Carrie's mouth fell open. "You can't?"

I shook my head. "When I got shot, the doctor said there's so much scar tissue it would be difficult for me to conceive."

"Oh honey..." She pouted and pulled me into a hug. "You can have one of my future kids. They'd have music in their blood, if it helps."

"And amazing hair!" I smiled at her as she shook her curly hair about.

I soooo badly want to see Les Miserables in London where Carrie is playing Eponine, but my family think Les Mis is boring and slow D; I have a year, so I hope I can see it in the near future! 

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