Chapter 30: A month later

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Evening everyone!!! ^_^ So I had my Biology exam this morning, and I woke up at 5am to cram for a few hours, so I'm falling asleep haha! Got my chemistry exam too tomorrow, so I hope I don't mess up my body clock :') I guess when college is over I'll find out whether I'm a morning person or not xD I've learnt to just get over it when I have college in the morning but now I don't have education...ooh I don't know maybe I'm a 3pm kinda girl xD

Anyways, I hope you're having a better day than I am today and I hope you enjoy the chapter! Many of you have tweeted me how heartbreaking but amazing the last chapter was and I'm glad it got the right reaction at least! Although I do feel bad for making you sad ;D

I'll leave my links down at the end of the chapter so you all can say hi if you want to! ^_^ We hit 4000 reads which is fab!

I hadn't seen Lia since the time at the hospital. Phil said she went back to her own house, and Jess was watching over her to make sure she didn't slip again. Phil was going to get married almost a year after we arrived in London, which was in a few weeks time. I felt my phone buzz, and I glanced at the text slightly. Crystal. I dropped the phone on the counter, not wanting to bother with her anymore.

I bet you're wondering what happened there. Well, during the struggle with Lia, I was on the way to the Radio show, when I bumped into her. I saw no harm in swapping numbers. When I hit a major low, we may have hooked up. But that was a one off. Never again. It didn't feel right when it wasn't with Lia. I ran a hand through my hair as I checked the comments for my new video. It was my first one since I stopped, so naturally many were excited about that. I sighed, tossing and turning in my bed. No girl has caught my eye in any way since Lia. I missed her like crazy, but I knew I had to stay away. For Lia's sake. I wasn't good for her right now.

Phil knocked on my door. "Dude, it's 3pm, are you going to get up?"

When I didn't reply, he opened the door and stuck his head in. "Dan. We have to try on the suits today."

"Oh, right. Yeah." I rubbed my face with my hand and shut my eyes. "Coming."

Phil sighed. "Are you okay?" 

"Does it look like it?" I huffed.

"I didn't expect you to get over her, Dan."

I looked up. "You thought right."

"She's doing better now. She asks how you are."

"And what do you tell her?"

"I tell her she can ask you herself at our wedding." Phil leaned against the side of the door frame.

"Does...has she found anyone?"

Phil shook his head. "No."

It was quiet for a moment before Phil spoke up again. "It's not too late."

I stood up and walked past him. "Don't."

We got our fittings done and Phil tweeted out a picture of us suited up. Instantly got a few hundred retweets. I felt myself stiffen as I saw a tweet from Lia. She hasn't tweeted me in so long. 

"Don't you both look dashing!"

"Phil, Lia tweeted us." I showed him my phone and he smirked at me.

"She did." He agreed and I felt a sense of pride.

"Do I look okay?" I looked at myself in the mirror. I hadn't straightened my hair so I was what I called the hobbit hair. 

Phil rolled his eyes. "You look fine."

The weeks rolled by, and I begun to get my act together. Making more videos, eating, showering. I even began exercising, to make myself look even more 'dashing' for the wedding.

I was to organise the bachelor party, so I found myself booking tickets to New York for the weekend, and I invited all of our male friends. We went out on the night in New York, drinking and celebrating. Peej patted my back as we made our way into a bar.

"It's a shame your thing with Lia didn't work out."

I felt myself stiffen, and Phil sighed at Peej. 

"Don't get involved, Peej."

"Oh, no I didn't mean it like that. Honest, Dan." He put a hand on my shoulder until I looked up at him. "I know you two were pretty much perfect together, I hope you two fix it soon."

I nodded, smiling genuinely at him. "Thanks, mate."

"No problem."

"Let's toast to Phil! May he have many many happy years with his woman!" We all cheered and downed our drinks. The night was an ultimate blur, and I refused for us to turn out like the Hangover.

"Make sure I don't get any tattoos, guys." I yelled loudly and Chris laughed. 

"Make sure I don't have sex with Peej, mate."

"I can't promise that." I laughed loudly, knocking back another drink.

So there is hope afterall? Maybe? XD I genuinely hope you liked it, and I'd love for you all to follow me, tweet me, subscribe to my channel, like my videos, comment, vote, whicheveerrr :D <3

Twitter: @mustbethe1d or @zoeishere



Today, for something different, I'd like to know what you've thought of the story so far :D

1. What was your favourite part of the fanfic?

2. Most emotional part?

3. Who in this story would you snog, marry or avoid? 

Let me know in the comments below! :D

Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day ^_^ <3

I Chose You- A Danisnotonfire / Dan Howell FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now