Chapter 43: Deal with it

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I didn't realise how late it had gotten but Carrie's friend Alex had come over and Tom's wife came home as well so we had sat down for a movie. We were watching Les Miserables and everyone had begun to sing the songs when they came on. Carrie was a brilliant singer, and we let her have her moment when On My Own came on. 

Carrie grinned at me. "Am I destined for the stage, or what?"

"Definitely!" I beamed at her, sipping on my drink. 

I loved the film. Best thing I've ever seen and it made me shed many tears as to how moving it was. Anne Hathaway's performance on I Dreamed A Dream made me bawl. 

"Women." Alex rolled his eyes. "Can't control their emotions."

Carrie slapped the back on his head. "Watch it, you. There are three very strong women in this room, and 3 cats."

Alex laughed. "Fine, fine. I'll let it go for now."

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out, frowning when I realised I had 3 missed calls and texts. All from Dan. 

Carrie sensed something was wrong and took my phone from me, walking over and placing it on the mantelpiece. "Don't worry about him. You need some space away from his drama."

I nodded, letting the film and my obsession with the popcorn placed in my lap distract me from the other problems. 

That was a bad idea, because when it next started to buzz, it vibrated right onto the floor, smashing. Carrie bit her lip as one of the cats hissed and ran away.

"I'll pay for that. I'm sorry!"

"It's fine, at least I can say it broke as to why I'm not replying." I shrugged.

"Carrie's not very smart." Alex chuckled, looking up at her from his place at the floor. I could sense there was something between them. Either a past relationship or very good friendship, either way they were really good together, and always bounced off each other's personalities. Tom and Gi went to bed at around midnight, and it was me, Carrie and Alex just sitting on the sofas, chatting. I got my vlog camera out again, which I had been using all day, and grabbed my phone. 

"This is why Carrie isn't allowed nice things." I smirked at Carrie. "You know Dan must think I've gone missing or something."

"Oh right! Maybe we should at least tell him you're okay..." Carrie got her phone out and dialled his number. "Hello? Hey Dan, thought you should know Lia's staying with me know why. Look, Dan, you obviously have some issues and drama going on with yourself right now, and Lia is tired of it." Her eyes flashed up to me. "Come back to us when you've dealt with the situation."

A minute past and Carrie's eyes began to water slightly, and she shook her head adamantly. "Dan...I'm not going to tell you what to do." Another minute passed, and she shook her head again. "I don't think that's a good idea." She winced as Dan on the other end got louder, then she held the phone out to me. "He wants to speak to you."

I bit my lip as I put the phone to my ear. All I could hear was ragged breathing. "Hello?"

"Lia...why are you doing this?" The tone of his voice made my heart break. His voice cracked as he spoke, quiet and full of emotion. "Is this what you want? For her to split us up again?"

I let out a deep breath. This wasn't going to be easy but I never expected it to be, as soon as Crystal declared she was pregnant, we begun our roller-coaster, and I was getting whip lash from it all.

"Dan, this is not something I want to get involved with. Yes, you made a mistake. Yes, you're sorry for it. But you can't keep apologising for continuing to make mistakes involving this girl and her baby! You exhausted yourself out so much last night that you couldn't even stay awake when I was opening up to you. Until you sort this out with her, we're on a break. And that doesn't mean you're free to knock up any more girls. If you screw up again, this break is going to be a permanent one." A tear slipped down my cheek as I hung up, and Carrie pulled me into a hug so I could cry on her shoulder. 

"It's know what makes me feel better when I'm down?"

I looked up to her in hope. 

"Ice cream. Cookie dough, to be exact. And lots of it."

Okay yessss this is like the shortest chapter I may have ever written, but I just needed to separate what happens next with a day gap. Otherwise there's no cliffhanger or anything :D (Okay it was verrrry short before I decided it wasn't enough and needed to add a bit more to fill the chapter xD ) The length is slightly more suitable now, so I hope you enjoyed it!

@zoeishere <--twitter- follow or tweet me! ^_^ <--reached 330 subs now woooah

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