Chapter 64: Talking about Vlogging.

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Joey was doing his talk after us, so we sat with him until it was our turn to go up on stage. I gave Dan a look to say 'we will talk later' and he nodded quickly. 

"Guys, you're up." Someone with a dark mop of hair called, and I took Dan's hand as we headed into the larger room with Phil, who was holding our vlogging camera. I waved as they screamed at us.

"Hey, everyone." Dan held his microphone closer to his mouth, and as he spoke a wave of chatter begun. "I'm Dan, this is my girlfriend Lia and my best friend Phil."

We spoke for a few minutes before beginning a Q and A, where we picked random viewers to ask us questions.

"Was it difficult to tell people about your relationship?" A girl asked Dan, and I looked at him when he answered it.

"Well yeah, of course I knew it would be difficult for us to have a public relationship. There was a high chance both of us would get a lot of hate for it, but because I was serious about her, I think it would have been worse if I had been like 'surprise! we're getting married!' instead of easing my viewers into it." 

"Did you get a lot of hate from it?"

Dan rolled his eyes at me, and I smirked. "Actually, yeah but we got a lot of support too. Some viewers were particularly rude about it, but I guess if I make him happy then I wouldn't change it at all."

Dan grinned at me. "I think its pretty much accepted by now. From our vlogs you know we do have our soppy moments and we do fight but that's what we do."

"Phil where's Jess?"

"She's actually with Cat...Catrific right now." He grinned. "Cat promised that she's coming to England when the baby is due." 

"Is it a boy or girl?"

I smirked as I watched Phil talk excitedly about his future. Dan squeezed my hand.

"Lia, what is it like dating Dan?"

I laughed. "Not as great as everyone thinks. He talks in his sleep...sometimes dribbles..." 

Dan shouted. "Hey!" Before pulled me closer to him. "I'll have you know like an hour ago she said I was the most perfect boyfriend she could ask for. She's just trying to be funny."

I giggled. "And did I mention he-" Dan covered my mouth with his hand, shouting loudly.

"I think Lia's had enough of talking." He grinned, causing everyone to laugh. I pulled his hand off my mouth and narrowed my eyes at him playfully. 

"Where's the Vegas video?" One girl called, and Dan laughed.

"Long gone." He muttered. 

"What are you next looking forward to?"

"Seeing Muse." Dan chuckled, squeezing my hand. "Then...I don't know. Usually the exciting things happening to us are pretty spontaneous rather than planned out, but I can't wait for the arrival of Phil Junior either."

"I think I'm looking forward to that more, I'm going to be an auntie!" I grinned.

"Okay we're going a bit off topic- vlogging. Do any of you vlog?"

A good many teenagers called out that they did, and we answered a few more questions about vlogging, dealing with hate and various other topics.

Once we were done I took Dan's hand and took him to our room, where we spent a few hours talking and cuddling on the bed. I still felt as if we weren't opening up to each other enough, and I didn't want a wall to build up between us.

Dan sighed, wrapping his arms around me. "I feel as if even though I'm with you I'm losing time with you."

I looked up at him, pouting. "We're not breaking up, are we?"

"Of course not, I wouldn't, ever do that." He smiled, kissing me. "I just feel weird. Scared."

"Don't be. I'm not going anywhere." I shut my eyes as I kissed him again, and again. 

Only half an hour later, we found ourselves forcing ourselves to get out of bed to enjoy being in Florida. Dan had to meet some fans with Phil and do various meet ups, so I decided to join Zoe and a few other youtubers to the beach. We found some sunbeds away from the large groups of vacationers on the beach, and we lay down on the towels as we absorbed the sun. Finn started singing 'We're all going on a summer holiday' and Jack joined in, clapping his hands. I rolled my eyes. 

"Woah, Lia- what's that?" Troye sat down on my sunbed and pointed to the scar on my stomach. I smiled. 

"I got shot, it's one ugly scar, isn't it?" The doctors fixed it up but you can see the small white circle on my stomach. 

"That's crazy..." he remarked. Zoe sat up and looked at my scar.

"The first time I met Lia was the same time her stitches burst and I had to wash her dress!" She smirked and I laughed.

"Great first impression there." I murmured, and Zoe nodded, giggling.

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Follow me on twitter! @mustbethe1d or @zoeishere where i tweet more lol i know im not zoella but maybe im still interesting? xD

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