Ch.1: As Far as Anyone Knows...

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(A/N: I made Haruhi a male in this story. Sorrynotsorry.)

-Japan-Fujioka Household-Monday-Day 1-
The (H/C) female eventually calmed the, man down.
She explained to him as best she could, without trying to freak him out any more than he already was, that she's from the future and her machine was broken.
In which, the man quickly seemed to understand and called his son.
"Dad! I'm here, why did I have to-?" The newcomer paused as soon as he walked into the apartment, a look of confusion and shock on his face as he saw a large metal machine -that almost looked like a high tech elevator-, and his dad nonchalantly drinking tea with a girl that had (H/L) (H/C) hair and bright (E/C) eyes, wearing a strange outfit that resembled a Victorian styled (F/C) dress.
"Oh, Haruhi!" The brunette looked at the man he called his father. "Y/N, this is my son Haruhi. Haruhi, this is Y/N, she's from the future."
"Nice to meet you Haruhi-San." Y/N stood up and curtsied, a bit clumsily might I add, and grinning childishly.
"T-the future?" Haruhi asked, surprised.
"Ah...Well, how did you explain it Y/N-chan?" Mr.Fujioka questioned the girl, who looked a bit embarrassed, trying to remember what she had said.
"Ah,'s some timey whimey stuff. To put it simply, my time machine broke down." Y/N stated, then pointed to the high-tech elevator, in which Haruhi had just noticed was smoking.
"And, as far as anyone needs to know...Y/N is now a Fujioka and will be attending Ouran with you."
"Oh, ok, wait, what!?"

-Ouran Academy-Wednesday-Day 3-
As the two 16-year-olds walked into the school, the young female couldn't help but to cling onto the brunette's blue uniform, in which matched her own as she refused to wear the ugly yellow dresses, and ended up tailoring one of Haruhi's to fit her smaller body.
"Why're they all looking at you, Haruhi-kun? Are you popular?" Y/N questioned, curiously gazing up at him as she noticed all the looks that the male was getting from all the females.
"Haha, you could say that." Haruhi awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
Before Y/N could question what he meant, the two stopped infront of a door with a sign above it that read 1-A.
The day before, Y/N had gotten some money from a bank she helped open about fourty years ago, and easily got accepted into Ouran. Not only that, but she got into the same class as her 'brother'.
"So, this is our class." Haruhi said, opening the door and allowing Y/N in, before he followed her right behind. The brunette then sat at his usual spot in the middle of the class, as Y/N sat in a more preferred seat, close to the window.
Soon enough, the bell rang, and the remaining students filed into the classroom, including the two infamous ginger trouble makers.
Y/N could hear the whispers from all the students that were directed towards her -both good and bad-, though she had learned throughout her years of being the 'outcast' in places to easily ignore the constant murmurs.
Y/N calmed a bit when the teacher walked in. "As you all must have noticed, we have a new student. Fujioka-San, can you please introduce yourself?" The elder woman asked, causing a lot of surprised or confused whispering.
Y/N smiled a bit and stood up. "My name is Fujioka Y/N, I have lived in (Country) with my grandparents till this year. Now I'm living with my father and twin brother. I hope we can all be friends." Y/N had recited what Haruhi had made her practice, before sitting back down.
The whispers immediately became almost shouts, in which Y/N caught a few- 'She's really pretty!', 'Eh? Fujioka? Isn't that Haruhi-kun's last name? Does that mean he's her twin!?', 'They (do/don't) look alike...'
Y/N casts her gaze towards Haruhi, who was calmly smiling as some girl questioned if Y/N were his twin, in which he kindly told her it was true.
"Alright, alright, now, let's begin our lesson." And then the teacher began to teach the first subject of the day, World History, which she talked about how the pyramids were built, in which Y/N would quietly laugh or point out things that were wrong. In her mind, that is.
I guess you actually had to be there to know that though. Y/N smugly thought, then glanced out the window and began to daydream.

As soon as lunch began, Y/N watched all of the girls dash out first, soon followed by the males who went in the opposite direction. Leaving behind only Y/N, Haruhi, and the two gingers.
"So why didn't you ever tell us you had a twin, Haruhi?" Questioned one of the twins as Y/N walked over to the three males.
"Because you don't have to know every detail about my life." Haruhi simply stated, then glanced at Y/N who had grabbed onto his sleeve.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, and you guys are?" The (H/C) female questioned politely.
"I'm Hikaru." The one on the left said. "And I'm Kaoru." The one on the right added. "Good luck guessing who's who though." Both spoke in sync, causing Y/N to blink, then smile.
"Ah, the Hitachiins." She commented, almost boredly, then Y/N looked at Haruhi. "So, lunch? Where are we sitting?" She questioned.
"Ah, gomensai, I-well, we have club duties." Haruhi said, motioning to himself and the twins.
"Hmm..? What club duties?" Y/N questioned curiously, tilting her head like a confused puppy.
Haruhi smiled sheepishly.
"Why don't we show you?" The twins chorused in sync, then picked Y/N up by her arms and suddenly began to run, Haruhi running after them and shouting at them to put his 'sister' down. (A/N: Random Tamaki moment.)
Finally, though, the twins had placed Y/N back down onto her feet in front of a pair of large, wooden doors.
"Get ready-" Hikaru began. "To have the time of your life." Kaoru finished, before the twins opened the doors.

"Welcome to the Host Club~"

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