Ch.15: Summer Job!

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-Karuizawa-Pension Misuzu-Summer-
Haruhi and I had come to Karuizawa to spend our summer vacation working at Ranka's friend's bed and breakfast. Though I'd rather have stayed behind to work on the Time machine, by doing this I can help the Fujioka's money expenses before I leave.
Y/N thought, smiling in satisfaction as she hung the last white bed sheet that her and Haruhi had washed.
Though, Haruhi was a little anxious about not telling anyone in the Host Club that we'd be coming here, I finally convinced him that the others would have other things to do over their break. And if they didn't...Then they'd probably come and bother us. The scenery is nice, and the air is delightful, almost better than on the island*. All Haruhi is thinking about is catching up on his studies, while all I wanna do is tour around and enjoy the view. This is my first time actually enjoying a summer vacation, since I never really had a day off when it came to time traveling.
Running her fingers through her (H/L) hair, the female suddenly narrowed her eyes.
I don't know why, though...but I feel like something bad is about to happen.
"Haruhi! Y/N!" A sudden depressed aura surrounded the (H/C) at the familiar shouts.
"Are you alright!? Big brother and Daddy is here!" Y/N's eyebrow twitched as she watched the sheets she had just hung up fly into the air-thanks to the helicopter that the hosts were in.

___Quick Time Skip___
"My word! What cute boys we have here! Are you all friends of Haruhi and Y/N-chan?!" Sonodo Misuzu, the owner of the bed and breakfast, practically squealed while sparkles and flowery backgrounds surrounded him.
Y/N hid a laugh at the hosts' surprised expressions.
"You can call me Susuzu-chi!" Misuzu told them.
"He was a friend of Ranka-san, together at the same shop way back." Kyoya informed the hosts.
"How do you know that!?" Tamaki and Y/N exclaimed in sync.
"Yeah, really." Haruhi silently agreed.
"I started this buisness here two years ago. It was my dream, you know? Running this adorable pension!" Susuzu exclaimed while he twirled around, purple flowers surrounding him.
"But why are Haru-chan and N/N-chan working here?" Honey asked.
"Ranka-san is away on business, and while he's away, he's worried about Haruhi and Y/N, so he had him take them in." Kyoya answered.
"Like I said, how do you know this?" Y/N and Tamaki scowled at Kyoya, who simply pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with a smirk.
"Taker them in, he says! I still can't afford to hire any employees, so having Haruhi and Y/N-chan come here has been a tremendous help!" Susuzu exclaimed, suddenly grabbing onto Haruhi's shoulders and swinging the younger male back and forth. "They're really hard workers, I feel sorry that their wages are so low." Continued the 42-year-old male. "Oh, Haruhi-kun, you're so cute in that apron! I mad it by hand!" Susuzu stated proudly.
The hosts, and Y/N, held up their thumbs in approval. "And you did a good job at that, Misuzu-chi!"

___Quick time skip___
"A job? So that's why you turned down our invitation to the ball, is it?" The twins questioned.
"And we asked them to go along with us to Switzerland, huh?" Honey cutely pouted.
"Yeah." Mori nodded his head.
"We don't have a passport though." Y/N sighed.
"Which is why I suggested that we use one of our domestic resorts, at a discount." Kyoya stated.
"How come you guys are inviting Haruhi and Y/N out by yourselves like this? Are you just out for yourselves? Ave you no sense of solidarity?" Tamaki questioned, three tickmarks appearing on his forehead as he appeared out of a bush, where he had been sulking. "I work so hard as your president, day in and day out, to come up with plans so that all of us can enjoy ourselves together..." Tamaki, being as dramatic as always, said.
"What's he blubbering about now?" Y/N questioned in a dull tone, causing said male to turn as white as a blank sheet of paper.
"Who knows?" Kyoya shrugged.
"You turned off your cell, didn't you?" Kaoru questioned Y/N and Haruhi.
"You can't do that!" Hikaru declared, as if they were scolding children not to take candy from a stranger.
"But it's such a pain." Haruhi defended the two.
"Cell?" Tamaki blinked.
Y/N sighed as her and Haruhi held up their red and (F/C) colored phones, though Y/N's seemed a lot more high tech.
"You've got a cell, did you say?" Tamaki asked while walking towards the others.
"Yeah, but I should say, it's the one that we've lent to him." The twins stated.
"By the way, it's one that's only for friends." Kaoru told the blond male.
"Sir, you're our 'senpai' and all." Hikaru shrugged.
"Friends?!" Tamaki shouted. "That must be nice, huh?" He asked, looking like he was in his dream world again.
"Then, I'm also in the 'friends' category that includes daddies." Tamaki said, holding up a notepad.
"There is no such friends category." Haruhi sweatdropped. "Look, just leave, please, everyone." The brunet sighed.
"We'll see each other come the new term anyhow, whether we want to or not. We're all free to spend our vacations on our own, right?" Y/N insisited.
"School rule number nine: Part time work is prohibited." Kyoya said, an evil glare in his glasses.
Haruhi stiffened, while Y/N didn't seem to care that much.
" that right?" Haruhi stuttered.
"Did you hear? Those two have a job without the school's permission." "My, they have some nerve, huh?" The twins whispered loudly.
"It's nice to come out to Karuizawa one in a while, to get out of the heat, huh?" Honey happily asked while he looked over Mori's shoulder at a guidebook on Karuizawa.
"I have gotten tired of overseas." Kyoya agreed.
"It is true, you are free to spend your vacation on your own." Tamaki stated, bringing Y/N's attention to him. "In which case, you would have no grounds to stop us." Tamaki smirked as he turned to smirk at the two. "Let's all stay here at this pension, in the VIP guest rooms."
"N-no!" Haruhi freaked out, much to Y/N's amusement.

[The Island: The place Y/N lives in the future-more info will come later.

A/N: If you guys hadn't noticed yet, Tamaki still calls Haruhi his 'daughter' even though Haruhi is now a dude. I thought this slightly funny to keep in, that's why it's still so, also, if he can call Kyoya 'mommy' why can't he call Haruhi 'daughter'?]

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