Ch.8: Babysitting the Kitten and her Prince!

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(A/N:Please read my new story Little Dragon Warriors, which is a Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona x Reader story. =^.^=
Sort of spoiler: For this chapter, let's pretend that Kirimi is still afraid of Nekozawa.)

-Fujioka Household-Sunday-Day 27-
The next day Y/N had woken up later than usual.
As the (H/C) female walked out of the room she had eventually begun to share with Haruhi, after placing in a second mattress, she walked into the kitchen, oblivious to the group of males that were sitting in the living room.
As she grabbed a cup of already made (coffee/tea), Y/N yelped in surprise when she turned around and bumped into someone's chest.
Glancing up, Y/N sighed loudly. "Good morning Mori-senpai." She said, taking a sip of her drink. "Are the others here as well?" She asked him.
"Yeah." Mori nodded.
"Alright, did you need something?" Y/N questioned, glancing around, before noticing the platter of pancakes. "I'm guessing Honey-senpai's hungry." She smiled, then held up the plate. "He can have mine, I'm not hungry."
Mori looked unsure, but before he could refuse to take the female's food, Y/N had already walked out of the room with the plate, and handed it to Honey.
"Yay! Thank you N/N-chan!" The blonde cheered, oblivious with the food having actually been for her, and beginning to eat the cake-like substance.
"Good afternoon little sister!" Tamaki smiled as Y/N sat inbetween him and Kyoya on the couch.
"Morning." Y/N said, taking another sip of her drink.
"Are you going somewhere today Y/N?" Haruhi questioned, noticing how Y/N was already dressed and ready to go somewhere.
The question got all of the hosts to turn towards her.
"Yeah, I'm helping a friend babysit his little sister." Y/N answered.
"I didn't know you had any friends other than us." Hikaru stated. "Yeah, I always thought you were working on your Time Machine when you're not with us." Kaoru nodded in agreement with his older brother.
"I've actually known him for awhile, we're like pen pals." Y/N shrugged. "Anyways, I should start heading over there now, can you tell Ranka-san that I'll be a bit later for dinner today, Haru-nii?" Y/N smiled at the brunet, who looked surprised, before nodding.
"Sure." He agreed.
"Great, thanks Haru-nii, bye guys." Y/N waved to the others, before getting up and walking out of the apartment and heading towards her location.

The young eight year old giggled as she hid in the large maze behind the large building of the Middle School.
"They'll never find me here!" She stated with a proud expression as she sat down beside a bunch of (F/F)s.
"Why would you not want someone to find you?" A quiet voice questioned, causing the female to quickly sit up and look around frantcially.
"Who's there?!" She questioned, not looking one bit afriad, just startled.
Slowly a young boy wearing a dark cape emerged, a cat hand puppet on his hand. "I-I am." He stuttered out, looking slightly shy as his blue orbs locked on the female's (E/C) ones.
"Who're you?" the female tilted her head in a curious manner.
"N-Nekozawa Umehito." He answered.
The female beamed and held out her hand. "I'm Y/N, will you be my friend, Nekozawa-san?"


Y/N smiled as she walked up to the mansion gates, pressing a button on the box that was connected to the house.
"Hello?" a woman's voice questioned.
"Hello, I'm Fujioka Y/N, I'm friends with Nekozawa Umehito." Y/N spoke clearly.
After a few seconds, there was a loud beep, before the black iron gates opened, making it able for Y/N to walk through and go up to the front door.
Almost immediately, the door was thrown open and Y/N was pulled into a hug, causing the female to laugh.
"Nice to see you too, Neko-kun." Y/N said, hugging the cloaked male back.

"A-are you sure about this, Y/N-chan?" the hooded male questioned as he peeked into the kitchen.
"Of course I'm sure! Have I ever steered you wrong before Neko-kun?" the (H/C) female questioned.
"Yes." The boy answered almost instantly.
"Don't worry about it too much, Neko-kun, I've done much more dangerous things than this." The girl assured, before climbing onto the counter and standing on her tip toes to reach one of the really high shelves, before squealing when she accidently tripped and fell back, only to land on something soft.
"A-ah, sorry Neko-kun!" she quickly apologized, only to be shocked when the blue eyed male lauged and ruffled her hair.
"It's ok, you always are the one to be clumsy, Y/N-chan." He laughed as he patted her head.

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